Page 15 of Born Savage
“Thanks, honey. Let’s go, boys,” Ray says, reaching for the outer door.
“I’m gonna take a piss. I’ll be right behind you,” I tell him before stepping into the small bathroom and closing the door.
Gripping the sink, I look up at my face in the mirror. Am I really going to do this?
“Fuck…” I breathe out.
Opening the door, I step back into the office area, finding her standing at an open filing cabinet. I move closer and her eyes lift to meet mine.
“If that asshat gets near you again, I will fucking end him,” I practically growl and her eyes go wide.
“He was just thanking me for doing my job,” she tries to explain, but I know better.
“He wanted to fuck you,” I tell her bluntly. I know he was picturing her bent over that desk, the same as I was.
“No, he did not…” she breathes out, sounding shocked that I even suggested it. She’s clueless. All these guys treat her like their sister or daughter, so she has no idea how fucking sexy she is.
“He absolutely fucking did. I know. I recognized the look in his eyes,” I growl.
She slides the drawer closed and I move quickly, turning her so her back is pressed tightly against the filing cabinets and my large arms cage her in. I lean down until my nose is settled in the crook of her neck. I inhale deeply, letting her sweet scent fill my nostrils. I’ve just made keeping my distance an impossible task.
“Shark,” she whispers. “I think you…you should go join the rest of the guys at the party,” she stutters
“Is that really what you want? You want me to leave?” I raise my eyebrows in question but she stays quiet. I drop one hand to hold her side, my fingers curling around her ribcage.
Her breathing turns shallow and her eyes close for a fraction of a second when my thumb settles under the weight of her heavy breast. Her nipples harden, poking gently at the thin fabric clinging her to chest and I instinctively start to slide the pad of my thumb up, but her eyes fly open before I can get too far.
“No. Stop,” her voice is clear and I pull back in an instant.
Her expression softens and her hand lifts to touch my bicep. “I’m sorry, it’s just… My dad and Sonny, and the rest of the guys… they’d kill you,” she whispers, her face turning pale.
Sure, they’d be pissed. And I’d probably get asked to leave, but they wouldn’t kill me. This can’t be the worst thing a brother has ever done around here. I just shake my head.
“What about what you want?” I ask.
“That’s not really an option,” she answers and her eyes drop to the floor, completely crushing me.
She’s young and vibrant, and she deserves a life too. She shouldn’t feel trapped like this. She should have the freedom to choose the path she wants to take, not feel pressured by the club.
“Fine,” my rough response cuts sharply and she flinches. It’s not her fault, but I’m too pissed to even try to hide my anger. “I guess I’ll just go to the party and find some other way to occupy my time,” my words fall out, clearly implying that it’ll be easy enough to find another chick to fulfill my needs. Again, not my intention, but my blood is boiling and I’m lashing out.
Hurt flashes in her eyes before they drop to the floor. She won’t look at me, but I still have more to say.
“Just tell me one thing before I go, sweetheart. Did you get nice and wet when I was talking about bending you over that desk?” I question and her head snaps up, her eyes going wide. The look on her face gives her away. “That’s what I thought,” I say before leaning down close to her ear.
“Just so you know, it was your lips I was thinking about that night in the pantry and it’s your sweet ass that I’ll be imagining later,” I whisper against her hair before turning and stomping out of the office.
Yup, I’m getting fucked up tonight.
My heart is beating so fast, I feel like I can barely breathe. What just happened? Better question, why did I stop him?
I have no doubt that he’ll have someone else occupying his bed later. If I hadn’t stopped him, it could have been me… But then, how would I feel when he was done with me tomorrow? I’d be left, feeling like shit while he moved on to his next conquest.
Plus, if Dad or Sonny, or any of the other guys even got wind that something had happened between us, that would be the end of him. And I don’t just mean the end of his Vegas trip, I mean the complete end of him. There’s still a lot of remote desert out there, and it would be easy for the boys to make him disappear. Sure, there would be fallout with the South Carolina charter, but I’m not sure my dad would be thinking clearly enough to worry about the consequences.