Page 18 of Born Savage
“That’s a story I know all too well,” Roxy replies offering me her hand. She’s definitely had her share of disappointing relationships and break-ups. “Sounds like it’s time for you to finally meet Alex. He’s working the lobby bar tonight. C’mon, I’ll introduce you,” she smiles and I take her hand, letting her lead me through the busy casino.
Cradling my empty glass in my hand, I push out a deep breath. Two glasses of Jack down and the rage still burns in my chest. There’s no fucking chance of numbing this tonight.
The look in those sweet blue eyes when she heard the truth. I had to hold onto her just to keep myself from killing someone. Her wide eyes, full of unshed tears when she realized that both her father and brother had been lying to her for years. She’s missed out on having a real life, and it makes me fucking sick to my stomach thinking that they covered for that piece of shit. If he was still alive, I’d rip his fucking throat out.
“Let me top that off for you,” Ray offers, stepping up beside me with a bottle of Jack clutched in his grasp. He starts to pour, quickly filling my glass before taking a seat in the empty leather chair beside me.
Eve saunters over, half naked as usual, with a hopeful look on her face as she stares at Ray.
“Come back later, baby. The men need to talk right now,” he tells her and she gives him a wink before turning and walking away without a single word.
“Well, we’re the only two here. What is it that we need to talk about?” I ask, not feeling all too friendly at the moment.
“Scarlett,” he offers one word.
“What about her?” I question through gritted teeth.
“I see the way you look at her,” he starts, and I know I should just shut my fucking trap and listen, but I’m already on edge and tonight isn’t the night to push me.
“Jesus Christ,” I spit out. “If this is another fucking warning that she’s off limits, just save it. I’ve heard it, I get the fucking message. It’s okay for some punk wannabe to cheat on her and for Sonny to hide it, but I can’t get near her. Got it,” I fume.
“Calm the fuck down,” he growls. “Normally, you’d be eating shit right now for talking to me like that, but I’ll cut you a break. You’re right. Manny didn’t deserve the cut and he definitely didn’t deserve my daughter. I tried to keep her safe and she got hurt anyway, right under this fucking roof. I couldn’t stop it, and over the years I’ve probably made it fucking worse,” he offers before tipping the bottle back and taking a long slug.
“And I wasn’t coming over here to give you a hard time, or give you another warning. In fact, it’s the opposite,” he says and I feel my eyebrow cock in question.
“I see the way you look at her. And tonight, you were there to grab her and hold her when she heard the truth. I saw that need to protect her on her face. You felt her pain, and you wanted revenge. You wanted to be the one to make it right for her,” he acknowledges. “I knew it wasn’t going to be easy raising a girl in this life, but nothing prepares you to fend off every motherfucker who sets eyes on her. Watching you with her tonight was eye opening. And this is hard as fuck to admit, but I almost think you’re better prepared to protect her than I am,” he confesses.
“Lay it out there for me Pres., because I’m getting the feeling that you’re building up to something here. I need you to actually say it,” I lean forward in my chair.
“You have my permission, my God damn blessing, if you want to spend time with Scarlett. I trust you with her,” he says, swallowing hard.
“Are you fucking with me right now?” I can’t help but ask. This feels unreal.
“I wouldn’t do that, not at Scarlett’s expense. She’s been through enough. But you hurt her, or fuck it up in any way and you’ll pay for it,” he warns. And despite the grin on his face, I know he’s serious.
“Cheers, brother,” he says, leaning forward and tapping his bottle against my glass.
“Cheers,” I smile back, before lifting my glass and tipping it back.
Ray lifts his gaze, quickly finding Eve in the crowd and waving her over. I realize our talk has come to an end, and my mind is spinning. This was the last thing I ever expected to hear from Ray. It’s time to find Scarlett before my night turns into a fucking blur.
After knocking on her bedroom door three times with no response, I try the knob. It turns and opens easily, but I find the room dark and quiet.
“Scarlett,” I whisper, but still no answer.
My eyes adjust quickly and I see that her bed is empty. I turn to leave, knowing that I shouldn’t be in her space without her permission. I head for the kitchen, hoping to find her there.
I find the kitchen is as empty as her bedroom. I pull open the sliding glass door, deciding to check by the pool. Unfortunately, the only people I find outside are Pike and some chick he’s gotbent over on one of the lounge chairs. Not really the scene I was looking for at the moment.
Back in the kitchen, Trish has appeared, and she’s filling the fridge and pantry as she unpacks grocery bags.
“Hey there,” she grins. “Looks like the party started a little early tonight, huh?”