Page 22 of Born Savage
“I know you’re angry at me and Sonny, and believe me, I understand. But we both really are sorry, even if he has a shitty way of saying it,” Dad tries to back Sonny.
“I know, Dad. It’s just going to take a minute. This isn’t something I can just forget about,” I explain.
“I get it. I’ll talk to him later and ask him not to push it, and I’ll back off too,” he offers before his gaze moves to the bar, falling back on my best friend. Roxy is leaned against the bar, and it’s pushing up her already exposed cleavage. I clear my throat softly, breaking his concentration, and he looks back at me.
“Dad, don’t look at her like that. Please,” I beg.
“Sorry, honey. I’m a weak man,” he chuckles. “What are you two up to tonight?” he asks, clearly noticing my outfit.
“I’m going on a date,” I share proudly. “Roxy set me up with someone she works with.”
“Wait – a date?” he asks sounding confused.
“Yes, but it’s just a first date. No need to do any background checks or send out the interrogation squad just yet,” I joke.
“But, didn’t you talk to Shark last night? I thought for sure he went looking for you,” he asks, but his eyes move around the room, like he’s searching for something.
“He might have been looking for me, but I wasn’t here. I stayed the night at Roxy’s,” I explain. “Why? Why was he looking for me?” I ask, suddenly feeling completely lost.
“I had a conversation with him last night, after everything settled down,” he replies, not giving me any real answers.
“And what does that mean, exactly?” I prod.
“Simply put, I told him it was up to you who you want to spend your time with. Your brother and I, and the club, we never should’ve gotten in the way. It’s your life, and I’m only sorry I didn’t realize sooner that we were fucking everything up,” he answers honestly.
“Does that mean that I can spend time with Shark?” my question falls out in a whisper.
“If that’s really what you want. Who am I to judge anyway? He’s a decent guy, and I have to trust that you’ll make good choices. I love you, honey,” he drops slightly, placing a gentlekiss to my cheek. “Guess you’ve got some things to think about,” he whispers before pulling back.
“Thanks, Dad. I love you too,” I manage to form words before turning towards the bar. “Hey, Rox, are you ready?” I call out, and then turn towards the door, not bothering to wait to see if she’s following. I need air.
“So, do you want to tell me what you’re thinking about? You haven’t said two words since we left. What’d your dad say to you?” Roxy’s questions cut through my thoughts.
“He…uh… He finally realized that my love life is none of his business. I’m free to spend time with whoever I want, even if it’s Shark,” I breathe out, still unable to fully believe the conversation I had with my dad just fifteen minutes ago.
“Damn. No wonder you’re quiet. How are you going to break it to Alex?” she asks, adding another layer to my current crisis.
My phone buzzes against my palm and I glance down at the screen to see a new text from Alex. What am I going to do?
*Hey! Hate to do this, but I need to change our plans. They need me to fill in for someone at work and I can’t turn down the extra $$. If you want to hang out at the bar, I’ll take care of any food and drinks you want. Please…
“Alex has to work. He got called in to cover for someone, but he still wants me to come to the bar,” I share with Roxy.
“Well, I guess that makes it a little easier, since it’s not technically a date any more. You can just let him down easy,” she suggests.
“But should I?” I say out loud as the question spins in my head.
“What? Are you crazy? Your dad just gave you the green light to choose whoever you want and you’re still considering a date with Alex. Sure, he’s nice and all, but you shouldn’t settle,” Roxy jumps on me immediately. “Plus, you barely know him. You should explore your other options.”
“But I barely know Shark either,” I reason.
“That’s true, but you already admitted that it’s Shark who gives you the warm and fuzzies. And I’d rather spend one night with a guy who makes me feel like that, then a hundred with one who can pour me a drink and smile at me,” Roxy makes her feelings on the subject clear.
I push out a deep breath as she pulls into the casino entrance to drop me off. My plan is to meet Alex, have a drink and then take my car and go home to figure out what I really want.