Page 24 of Born Savage
A sinking feeling twists in the pit of my stomach. I instantly wish for the uncomfortable silence, rather than this. Alex is nice, but I made it pretty clear at the bar that this isn’t the best time for me to be starting anything.
His hand starts to move, sliding up my thigh and I instantly snap my knees together, pinching his fingers in order to stop him from going any further.
“Damn, that fuckin’ hurt,” he groans. “Seriously?” he questions roughly.
My head is spinning. What is happening? He was being so nice. Did he honestly expect me to just open my legs for him? I think our messages got confused somewhere.
“Uh…sorry. I thought this was just a ride home, that you understood how I was feeling,” my voice is barely above a whisper.
“Sure, I get it. I don’t want to start a relationship either, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have a little fun together. You’vespent the last two nights showing me the merchandise, don’t get shy on me now,” he says.
“I think I’ve had all the fun I need for tonight. How about I just say thank you when you drop me off and we call it a night,” I answer.
The car starts to slow and he moves to the side of the road, shifting into park. My stomach churns and I know this isn’t a good sign. I clutch my phone in my hand, ready to hop out and start running.
“I’ll tell you what. How about you use that pretty mouth to thank me, or we can just call it a night right now,” he suggests.
“But we’re in the middle of nowhere,” I point out, suddenly noticing that we’ve moved beyond the lights and traffic of the strip.
“Exactly,” he sneers, raising his eyebrows proudly.
I realize quickly that this is why he stopped here. He figured I’d give in and suck his dick rather than get out of the car and walk in the dark. Too bad he doesn’t really know anything about me.
“Dream on. I’ll fucking walk,” I snap back.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me. You’d rather walk home in the dark than stay in here and have a little fun?” he asks, reaching forward and curling his fingers under the thin strap of my crop top, starting to pull it from my shoulder.
“Getting forced into sexual situations definitely isn’t my idea of fun. I’ll take my chances with the dark,” I reply.
“At least flash me these sweet tits after teasing me all night,” he begs before yanking roughly on the strap until it tears away and the fabric falls, exposing part of my bra.
“That’s enough. I’m done. You have no idea what you just did or who you did it to,” I shout, yanking the car door handle. “You are a sick fucking prick and you’re going to regret messing with me,” I warn as I climb out.
“Whatever you say, fucking little cock tease,” he says, rolling his eyes.
I slam the door in response then watch as he peels out, leaving me stranded in the dark on the side of the road. How could I have misjudged him so badly? I tap the screen on my phone and bring it to life, quickly hitting call when I find Roxy’s name.
“So… Details, tell me all about it? How did Alex take it?” she laughs softly against my ear as she answers.
“Actually, at this point, I’d have to say not well. He just left me on the side of the road,” I tell her, my voice cracking. I’m trying to stay strong, but the second I heard her voice I felt myself starting to break.
“Wait. What? Why were you with him?” her questions start.
“Everything was fine, but when I went to leave the bar, my car wouldn’t start. I was going to get a Lyft, but he offered me a ride instead. Apparently, he thought getting me in a car alone might change my mind,” I offer.
“Are you fucking kidding me? Where are you? I’m coming to get you right now,” she says, sounding flustered.
“We were on our way to the clubhouse. I’m guessing I’m still at least a couple miles away,” I tell her.
“I’m already in my car,” she huffs, clearly out of breath. She must’ve run to her car at full speed. “I can be there in five, just stay on the line with me while I drive,” she says and I hear the engine start.
I make a quick attempt to fix my top, pulling the fabric up just enough to cover my bra before I reach down and pull off my heels. I know Roxy will be here in a matter of minutes, but I can’t just stand here in the dark. I need to start moving. The pavement is warm against my feet as I start to walk.
“How are you doing?” Roxy’s voice echoes in the night air.
“I’m fine. Just holding it together until you get here,” I answer honestly.
“Do you want to tell me what happened?” she asks.