Page 33 of Born Savage
Even after riding for the past forty-five minutes into the desert, I can still taste her sweet honey on my tongue. My dick gets hard every time I think about her, making for a really uncomfortable ride.
In all my years, I’ve never experienced anything like Scarlett. She’s so fucking pure and innocent, despite growing up surrounded by sin. And for some reason, she’s willing to take a chance with a guy like me.
Ray signals from the lead that we’re pulling over into a small roadside diner up ahead. We pull in side by side, our black and chrome machines lining the dusty parking lot. Ray climbs from his bike and the rest of us follow suit, forming a small circle.
“Sonny and I are going in to meet with our lawyer, and deliver his fee for last month,” Ray offers and the group seems to relax slightly. It’s clear that we’re just here as a precaution.
Pike steps up and Ray’s hand comes down on his shoulder before he leans in and whispers something in his ear. Within seconds Pike steps back, crossing his arms over his chest and Ray’s gaze moves to me.
“Shark,” I want you in on this one,” he instructs and I tip my head in response. “West, you too. Let’s give this prospect a little real-world experience,” Ray grins and West practically jumps in the air.
“I’ll have you two sit at the counter while Sonny and I handle the business. You shouldn’t be needed, but we’re not about to go in without flexing a little muscle,” Ray shares before turning to walk toward the door. West and I fall into step behind him and Sonny.
“Don’t get too excited, kid. Keep your fucking safety on, this is nothing,” I whisper to West as we walk, trying to calm the excitement I can see flashing in the prospect’s eyes. I’m not about to let this all go to shit before it even starts. “Just follow my lead.”
“Got it,” he nods.
Walking into the diner, I immediately spot the fucking mark. It’s not often that you see a guy sitting in a booth at a truck stop diner in a full suit and tie. His head tips up and he waves Ray and Sonny forward, before taking a sip from his glass of water. I lead West toward the counter and we easily find two empty seats.
“Damn, Ray. Brought the muscle with you today, huh?” I hear the guy offer a chuckle. He’s obviously comfortable enough to speak his mind.
“Hey, Nick. Yeah, just trying to get some of these newer guys trained up and ready to go,” Ray shares.
“You don’t honestly expect me to believe that he’s a prospect?” the guy, I now know to be Nick, asks.
“Shit, no. Shark is well seasoned. He’s handling the training. Actually… You might recognize him,” Ray says and I feel my eyebrows lift, but I stay planted in my seat.
“Really?” Nick seems to question it too.
“Shark, come on over here for a sec,” Ray requests and I slide from my seat, turning to face the booth. I move a few stepscloser, taking a good look at the guy in the suit, trying to jog my memory.
Nick appears to be around Ray’s age, maybe a little older. His hair looks like it was once dark, almost black, but now it’s speckled like salt and pepper. His eyes widen as he looks at me, like he’s remembering something. But no matter how much I search my brain, it’s no use. I have no idea who this fucker is.
“Sorry. If we met before, I’m drawing a blank,” I tell him, holding out my hand as I reach the side of the table. He takes it, offering a firm grip.
“No, kid. We never met, but damn if you aren’t the spitting image of your old man,” he shares.
“You knew my dad?” I question.
“Yeah, I did. Jimmy was a hell of a guy. Gone way too soon. But I can see you’re carrying on the family legacy,” he observes.
“In my own way,” I reply.
“I see that. How long you staying in Vegas?” he asks.
“As long as Ray needs me,” I offer, watching Ray’s eyebrows lift. We both know Scarlett is now a major factor in that decision.
“Nick, here, helps out when we need the occasional legal advice or council. He just helped us with Tex’s case. He managed to get his time down to three years, when it could have been fifteen to twenty,” Ray explains.
“Well, it was nice to meet you. But I guess I should let you all get back to business,” I offer, both Ray and Nick nodding in agreement.
“Nice to meet you too, kid,” Nick says, and I turn back toward the counter.
I feel West’s eyes on me as soon as I’m back on my stool. “Stay focused,” I tell him, and his head snaps back to attention.