Page 43 of Born Savage
“Biting that plump lip, like you want me to fuck you right here on this table,” his voice is a low growl, and I immediately lift my spiked lemonade, trying to extinguish the rising heat.
“Actually, speaking of the range, I uh… I got a call from Ryder while we were there,” he says, changing the subject, and my body goes instantly cold. My eyes drop to my plate, staring at the piece of half-eaten chicken. I know who Ryder is and I know what this means. I can’t say it’s a complete surprise, because I knew the day would come when James would get called back home to South Carolina, but this is too soon. I want more time.
“Hey… Scarlett, look at me,” he requests and I lift my eyes. “It’s not that,” his voice turns soft as he reaches across the table and covers my hand with his. “He just wants me home for a weekend, that’s all. And I was hoping that maybe you’d want to come with me.”
“Really?” I breathe out in surprise.
“Most definitely,” a fresh smile curls on his lips.
“That sounds amazing. But my dad…” I hesitate. I know Dad has been acting like he’s okay with everything, but this might push him over the edge.
“Don’t worry about it. I’ll handle Ray,” he assures me.
I’m surprised to see the lot practically empty when we get back to the clubhouse. Sonny’s bike is here, and a couple others, but everyone else must be out.
“Where is everyone?” I wonder out loud.
“Pike mentioned making a stop at the Kitty Kat,” James answers and I feel my eyebrows raise.
I’m tempted to ask if he had wanted to go, but I’m afraid of what his answer might be. Plus, the jealousy I can already feel bubbling in my belly is making me nauseous, and I might actually vomit if his answer is yes. I pull in a deep breath and let the thought leave my mind. He’s here with me now and that’s all that matters.
James holds the door open for me as we walk inside, finding Johnny at the bar, nursing a glass of what appears to be his usual whiskey. Miles and West cackle loudly, fully entrenched in what appears to be an intense game of pool.
“Everyone else still out?” James asks and Johnny offers a nod.
“I’m just finishing this and then I’m calling it a night. Trish went to bed a half hour ago, and I’m sure she’s waiting on me,” he winks.
“Have a good night,” James pats his shoulder lightly as we walk towards the two others.
“And how was your night, boys?” James grins at the two prospects. I’m sure they got sent back here while the others were out partying.
“We got to watch one dance, then we had to come back here,” West answers. I have no doubt they’ll both be patched in soon. They’ve definitely put in their dues.
“And Sonny, he’s back too?” I ask softly, knowing that his bike is outside.
“Uh…yeah. He brought Destiny back with him,” Miles says, and they both chuckle.
“C’mon,” I say, reaching for James’s hand as I start to pull him down the hallway.
The loud moaning and screaming are practically theatrical as we pass by Sonny’s door, and I try my best to ignore it. I glance up, catching the smirk of James’s face.Guys…
“Where are you taking me?” he asks as we keep walking right past his room.
“I want to go out back and sit by the pool for a few minutes,” I explain.
I drop into one of the lounge chairs, leaning back and staring up into the darkness, if you can call it that. It seems like the lights are always on in Vegas. James stays standing, pulling a cigarette between his teeth. His lighter flashes as he burns the tip and smoke starts to swirl.
“I wish I could see the stars. But the lights from the strip are way too bright,” I tell him, tipping my head back against the chair and looking up to the sky again.
“I’m sure I can make you see stars tonight,” he laughs and I feel my eyes roll, causing him to laugh harder. “Seriously, darlin’, I’ll show you the stars when I bring you to Rock Hill,” he adds.
I still can’t believe he wants to take me to South Carolina with him. I haven’t been out of Vegas in years. Not since that first summer when Mom left.
She had been a dancer, a real dancer, but got sidetracked when she met Dad and got pregnant with Sonny. I came as another unexpected surprise that kept her hanging around for a few more years. I honestly don’t remember much, but from what Trish has told me, even though she was still young, she had trouble getting back into her previous showgirl shape and competing for a spot. She decided to try New York City.
I was only five at the time, but Dad took us to the city to see her. She barely made time for us, so he brought us back home after only two days. Other than a few random phone calls, she completely disappeared from our lives after that. And from the few searches I did online when I was a teenager, she only ever made it into a few off-Broadway productions. I guess being a biker’s ol’ lady wasn’t in her life plans.