Page 46 of Born Savage
Scarlett’s posture stiffens slightly. “Who’s Carrie?” she questions softly.
“Is my girl jealous?” I smirk, stepping up behind her. I drag my finger up her arm and she shivers, giving me the reaction that I can’t seem to get enough of. “Don’t worry, darlin’. Carrie is like Trish. She’s Big E.’s ol’ lady. She’s like a mom around here. She takes care of a lot of shit for us, cooking and cleaning,” I explain and she instantly relaxes.
“Let’s go back out and have a quick drink with the boys,” I say before dropping my lips to her ear. “Because once I get you in this bed there’s no way I’m getting back out,” I whisper and she shivers again, almost making me rethink having that drink.
She nods and I take her hand, leading her back out into the main room. As much as I want to see her naked and spread out in my bed, I know the boys are expecting us to come back out. And I’ve missed my crew, so it’ll be nice to sit down and have a drink together.
We find Kane and Ryder relaxing on the large leather furniture that fills our clubhouse, having already abandoned their game of pool. I reach behind the bar and grab two glasses as we pass by. As Scarlett sits, I take the bottle of Jack Daniels from Ryder’s outstretched hand, starting to pour.
I give her a quick pour, barely more than a sip or two before starting to fill my own glass. I give myself a heavier pour, filling half the glass, then setting the bottle down and taking my seat beside her.
“God damn, Sharky boy. You definitely picked a good one if she’s gonna sit here and drink straight Jack,” Ryder chuckles before lifting his glass. “Cheers, brother. It’s good to have you home,” he adds and I feel my chest tighten before raising my glass and tipping it back.
“So, I know you just barely walked through the door, but what do you think of the place so far?” Kane asks, looking in Scarlett’s direction.
“It’s the same, but it’s different…” she breathes out softly as her eyes bounce around the room. “And it’s quiet,” she observes, causing the three of us to crack smiles.
“Don’t let this fool you, darlin’. Trust me, this place gets pretty damn loud when it wants to. Maybe not on the Vegas level, but we can hold our own,” I chuckle softly beside her.
“Oh, I don’t doubt that for a second,” she smiles back before bringing her glass to her full pink lips and taking a tiny sip.
As I talk with Ryder and Kane, catching up on everything I’ve been missing, Scarlett curls into the side of my body warming me along with the whiskey flowing down my throat. I carefullytake the glass from her hand and set it down on the table when I notice her eyes starting to close. Pressing my lips to her forehead, her eyes re-open and her skin flushes a soft pink.
“Sorry,” she whispers.
“Don’t apologize. You’ve had a long day,” Ryder speaks before I get the chance.
“Go on ahead and get comfortable in bed. I’ll be there in a couple minutes,” I tell her.
“Okay,” she offers, quickly slipping from her seat. “Thanks for the drink, and I guess I’ll see you all tomorrow. Goodnight,” she offers and I watch her disappear down the darkened hallway.
Turning back to my boys, they both have their eyebrows cocked in my direction.
“What?” I question roughly.
“Shit, brother. You’ve got it bad,” Kane’s laughter rolls deep from his chest but I choose to ignore him, taking another large swig from my glass.
The smooth amber liquid flows easily down my throat as I lean back into the soft leather. Holding the glass steady on my thigh, I reach for my pack of smokes and pull a cigarette between my teeth. Lighting the tip, I take a deep drag, pulling the smoke deep into my lungs.
“So, has Ray pressed you any more about staying in Vegas?” Ryder questions.
“Nah, but I got the feeling he was a little suspicious about this visit home,” I answer as the smoke seeps from my lips.
“You think he’ll let her leave?” Kane asks, getting right to the fucking point.
“It won’t be without a fucking fight. Those guys were ready to end me just for putting my arm around her, I share. “But honestly, if she decides she’s ready for a change, I don’t think he’ll try to stop her,” I add, knowing how much Ray wants her to be happy.
“Shit, brother. You’re in a tough fuckin’ spot,” Kane states the obvious.
“I still can’t believe Ray raised a girl in that house and she actually turned out normal. Living the club life is hard enough,but growing up female in that Vegas house, that is some rough shit,” Ryder says.
“No fucking kidding. There’s a constant stream of strippers walking around, tits out all the time. Plus, they don’t even have a dark room, they just go at it wherever the fuck they want. It’s like live action porn,” I explain the reality of living in Vegas.
“Well, Cora and the girls are all excited to meet her. They have a big family barbecue all set for tomorrow afternoon,” Ryder shares.