Page 57 of Born Savage
“The real issue isn’t with you, it’s Ray thinking that he failed. Another woman he loves is leaving him. But he’ll come around. I can see in his eyes how badly he wants to talk to you about it, he just doesn’t know what to say,” Trish offers some insight that completely crushes my chest.
“I never thought about that,” I breathe out, feeling on the verge of tears. “I’m not leaving him, I just… I mean, I want to feel like I’m finally a part of this life with James. And I can’t do that in this house. It would be too awkward. And not just for me, it would be weird for everyone. I love my dad. He can’t really think this is because I want to leave him…” the words start to tumble.
“Take a breath, honey. I didn’t mean to upset you,” Trish’s hand touches my arm.
“I…uh… I think I’m going to take my coffee to my room. I need a minute,” I tell her, standing from my stool. “Could you just tell James when he comes back in?” I add, not waiting for an answer as I make a quick exit.
Sitting on the edge of my bed, my coffee cup rests lightly on my thigh as my eyes move around the room. A million thoughts and memories flood my mind as gentle tears begin to roll. I thought my dad was just mad because he wasn’t getting his own way, acting like a child. I never imagined that I was actually hurting him by making this decision.
The door cracks open and James is instantly kneeling beside me, his hand lifting to hold my cheek. “What’s got you so upset?” he questions, his voice offering some comfort.
“I…can’t,” I start but my voice catches in my throat and a tiny sob breaks free.
“Can’t what, darlin? I need you to talk to me, otherwise I’m about to go bust some fuckin’ heads to find out what or who made you so upset,” he tries, and I have no doubt that he’s serious.
“It was something Trish said,” I squeak out. “She didn’t mean to. She just opened my eyes to why my dad is really taking this so hard. It’s not that he doesn’t want me to go, it’s that it reminds him of when my mom left. She left and never came back. He thinks that if I go, I’ll never come home,” I share.
“Baby, this is a completely different situation. Deep down, he knows that you’ll be back. We’ll come back and visit. Plus, he can come to South Carolina anytime he wants to see you. We’re a family, the club is family,” James assures me.
“Either way, I think I want to leave most of this stuff here,” I tell him.
“I need to know, is this you changing your mind? Because I’ll call Ryder right now and tell him I’m staying,” he asks, his deep voice sounding strained.
“No. I still want to go, and I’ll still bring some of it with me. But I think that if I leave it like this, then maybe he’ll trust that I’ll be back. This can be our room when we visit,” I decide.
“Anything you want, darlin’,” James smiles, gently cupping my cheeks as he places a kiss to my forehead.
As I climb from my saddle and start to stretch my legs, I watch the large blacked out Dodge RAM pull into the lot and come to a stop. I knew that I had lost ‘em a few miles back when I made it through the yellow light and they got forced to stop when it changed to red. I kept going, confident that between Scarlett’s memory and the GPS spewing every turn, that they’d make it here safely behind me.
Stepping closer, I reach for the passenger side door handle, and pull it open. Scarlett’s smile is as bright as the sun, her excitement overflowing.
“I think someone was in a hurry to get back,” she grins at me, knowing that I hit the throttle to beat the light.
“I only sped up a little,” I lie, knowing that I was probably fifteen or twenty miles over the posted speed limit. That feeling on my bike is a rush like no other.
I help her down as the driver’s side door opens and Ray climbs out too. I’m glad he thought about what I said and decided to drive with her. After seeing her so emotional, I had to talk to him and see if there was any reasoning with him.
Ray is her father and she loves him, and it took him a minute to realize that now they have an even deeper connection. Sure, she’s choosing to start a life here in South Carolina, but she’ll be embracing the club like she never did before. It was good for them to have a couple days traveling together in the truck, they needed time to reconnect.
Ray closes his door and moves around the front of the truck, just as the door opens to the clubhouse. I’m really hoping we’ll only have to spend a night or two here. Scarlett and I need a place of our own.
“Damn, is this the welcoming party? I’m disappointed, I was hoping for more of a feminine presence,” Ray laughs loudly as Pops and Ryder emerge.
“Good to see you, brother,” Ryder chuckles in return. “Thanks for getting our man home in one piece. He might even look better than when he left,” he adds, giving a nod towards me and Scarlett as he grips Ray’s hand.
“Scarlett, darlin’, it’s nice to see that sweet smile again,” Pops chimes in.
“I see how it is…” I drawl. “You all just wanted me back so you could get another look at my girl. Keep your hands to yourself, Pops,” I joke, at the same time, securing my grip on Scarlett’s hip.
“Don’t worry, boy, I’m not here to steal your girl,” he grins. “I just wanted to show Ray where he’ll be bunking tonight. We’re giving him your room,” he adds and I feel my eyebrows lift in question.
“What?” I ask confused.