Page 101 of The Commander
He knew she loved to be gently touched there with any kind of repetitive gentleness.
She arched, accepting the touch. “Okay. There.”
He repeated the action until her breathing and heart rate increased. The sound of their combined fluids was music to his ears.
“Like this?” he asked.
“You know,” she answered, her breath hitching.
He did know. But he didn’t want her to come yet. Her impatience always amused him; Kitten rushed towards her climax as if it could disappear, ever determined to claim the ending as her own.
Her need to hurry reminded him to linger, draw out every morsel of contact between their bodies and their bond. All his time with her was a celebration that he wanted to imprint on his memory.
He slowed his thrusts, making them shallow, missing her clit.
He flicked at her nipple. “Yes?”
She made kitten noises, high, breathy squeaks that sent electric bursts down his nerve endings.
“Don’t. Please.”
Her hands closed over his, pushing his hold deeper, mounding her breasts under his palms until he knew it hurt. She preferred that to the delicately sharp touches to her nipples that made her core tighten every time he did it. He’d relentlessly used the connection between the two since discovering it.
“Don’t? But I like your nipples. You don’t want me to stop, do you?” he purred the question as he again scraped a pointed tip of hernipple, timing it with a tap of his cock where she wanted it. Pain, pleasure. And perfect repetition.
“I can’t. Sensitive.” she whimpered.
She always said that. But she could. He loved how sensitive she’d become. It really was rather irresistible.
Slow and easy, his cock slid between her legs. Wet from her pregnancy, extra swollen and perfectly responsive to everything he did. Wet from the last time he’d released his cum inside her. He glided his cock between her legs with excruciating slowness, his vision flickering as the decadent feelings threatened to overwhelm him.
A low, satisfied rumble vibrated in his chest. “Yes. Just this Kitten. You feel so fucking good.”
“Please, Bastian,” Cara urged, her breath coming in short gasps. Her hips bucked, attempting to draw him deeper, to increase the pressure. “Put it there.”
“Not yet, pet. Not yet.” Back and forth. She drenched him. He’d had no idea that their fluids would be so fun that her lack of receptors didn’t mean he wouldn’t enjoy the feel of her velvety skin. There were no sensory hairs on his cock, he was just one long, thick organ of sensation.
“Yes. Now.” She opened her legs and tried to scoot back against him.
He chuckled, his mouth in the curve between her shoulder and her neck, teeth grazing her skin, leaving a trail of shivers in the wake of his mouth with the promise of his claim. She’d begun to scar from all the tiny bites but neither of them regretted it. She was a well used Sarrian mate. “Ah, ah, darling. Not yet. I’m enjoying this. Don’t you like my cock? Should I just let you sleep?”
“Need to come.” She emitted the saddest moan he’d ever heard.
“I’ll let you, I promise. Doesn’t this feel good? Am I not making you feel good?” He knew he was being gentle, but it was always good to check.
“Asked nicely.” The words carried a distinct pout.
“You did ask nicely. But that’s not quite what I wanted to hear.”
“Oh, c’mon,” she complained, squirming to escape his grip. If he relented, she would eagerly climb on top, riding him to find her release. But they had shared that intimacy once today; he craved something different now.
With his palm against her belly, he drew her closer, trapping her against the liquid pleasure. “We’ve just started. Let me savor this. My cock misses your pussy.”
She half-laughed, half-groaned at his silly words. “You were just here. Don’t tease.”
He relished that his dirty talk amused and aroused her. She couldn’t mask the physical response that was revealed in their play, even if she wanted to.