Page 33 of The Commander
“You want me to fuck you? You need me to fuck you?” He aggravated them both, relishing her surrender.
“Yes,” she groaned the word into a howl as he pushed the head of his cock into her entrance. Her body seized at the first full kiss of their size differences.
He thought she might protest. Instead, one of her hands reached back to claw at his hip. The saucy girl opened her legs wide, boots stomping on the floor for leverage, and attempted to impale herself on him.
He laughed at that.
She had the audacity to growl at him in frustration, his blunt tip slipping past where she wanted it. Her opening really was too small but still beautifully silky. Wet. He liked it wet.
This would go at his pace. Right at her hole, the pressure created a pounding in the back of his eyes and drew up his testes, tight and eager. His frillium lashed against the inside of his skin to be let free.
“Oh. Shit. Please.”
“Deeper,” he grunted the word as the muscles under his exoskeleton constricted from his chest to his abdominals while a line of fire surged down his spine into a knot of fury at the base of his pulsing member. She struggled, hissing through her teeth. Keeping her lifted high, he tightened the arm that held her.
Bastian echoed her noises as his frillium went up in flames too. He’d never been in a rut like this. It hurt more than expected, but the pleasure made him want more.
He popped through her entrance and slid deep. She shrieked, her body clenching all over with pain, but didn’t fight. She might be the most velvety, fragile thing in the universe, but her body rippled with power as she took him inside. The fit was tight, leaving the moisture they were gushing together trapped in her tunnel.
He hummed; an ancient noise created behind his rib cage and between his shoulder blades but inside his body. The ancient beings of his race once had wings. Now, battlers could only remember the sensation of true flight when mating. Using the tiny, leftover bones of his evolution, he rattled and vibrated for her.
He knew she heard a buzzing hum that would ease the tension of their size difference and open her up. A call from his body to hers.
Lowering one hand to clutch at the area where they were joined, his palm over her clit, he pressed inward. Using his fingers stretching her open in a V to ease his entrance.
The hum helped her. Her noises were pleasure and pain as she helplessly relaxed, allowing him to sink deeper into a human shape that shouldn’t be able to contain all of him.
Yet she did.
He’d have to look up how and why later. Much later. Never having done this he’d had no idea just how much instinct would control him. There was research, and there was real life. Someone was going to pay for keeping all this information from him. Later.
They were almost there. He bent her forward.
Head down, as if she knew what to do, she braced her hands on the floor, moving carefully so that he didn’t leave the channel of her core. In a synchronized dance, they changed positions as one. He shifted. She grunted as his cock stretched her hole even more.
“Poor Kitten. Poor sweet kitty.” She was a refuge. A home. And she fit him. He covered her with his body, sheltering her beneath his, chest against her back, pumping into her.
The curve of her hips, the line of her spine, drew his eyes like an arrow right to the nape of her neck. Where his teeth needed to be. Being bathed and cradled in Kitten’s core wasn’t enough. He had to have his teeth in her skin, her blood in his mouth before his frillium would lock down in the wall of her vagina and his cum could fill her. Needed. Fucking had to.
Moving slow and steady, he began to rut in her. A delicious in and out, his cock scraping the walls of her center. She called out to her god. Begged him to keep going. “It’s too much. Oh please. Please.”
“Do you want to escape me now? You know where the door is.” Saying that was difficult. Was he panting the words like an out of breath fool?
More. He had to have more. In and out. Humping her. A beast now. His body was as slicked up as hers. They exchanged fluids, easing the hives, tracking the mating call.
Still moving, he lifted his chest off her back as if he were leaving her.
“No! Can’t you finish? Can’t you—something? Make me cum again? You come? Something?”
She didn’t know what she needed, but he did. He surely did.
“Rock back against me. Can you take me deeper?” He gripped her tighter.
“Deeper?” she repeated the question. Stupefied, he guessed, but rocked anyway, chasing the same fulfillment he chased.
From the outside, she looked human, from the inside, she had something very unhuman that made her the perfect mate. Her body accommodated his as he continued to hum and fuck his cock into her. Her tunnel opened more to him, squeezing in delicious welcome.
He knew it hurt. Must hurt. He thrust into her until he saw her bare knees streak red on the floor. Then made a decision, pulled out, sat back.