Page 37 of The Commander
“This. Is. Mine.” Each word came with a powerful thrust, smacking them wetly together.
Cara bit her lips closed.
“Do you think you are ready for part two?” he asked.
What a bizarre question. Cara was good with what he was doing. Each push felt like he was getting thicker, stretching her more, going impossibly deeper. Pushing past her pussy into her belly, her rib cage, her heart. Pushing into her very being with every painful-lovely glide of his cock.
“Tell. Me.” He demanded.
“Can’t,” she tried to answer.
“Can’t what? Can’t take more? Can’t do this? But you are, Kitten. Fuck. Look at you. You are.” He pulled her hips so hard her arms shook, and her hands slid as her shoulders tipped forward until her face lay against the floor.
“Hold yourself now. Hold. You are strong, girl.” He gentled his hold in spite of his words. “There is still more to come. I think you’re ready. Your cunt is certainly wet enough.”
Cara had no idea what he was talking about. Ready for what? She wanted to ask, but then he was pulling his cock out ofher. Not that. She wasn’t ready to stop. She yelped and reached back for him. “No. Don’t stop yet. I need.”
“Oh, Kitten. I know what you need.” The words sounded like a purr. “Face forward.” She turned forward.
“Brace yourself. Push down on your female muscles as if you are going to expel.”
“What?” She turned and looked at him. Did he mean what she thought he meant? His shark grin was huge. “It’s time for part 2.”
The head of his cock bumped against her back entrance. “No. Not there. What the hell are you doing?” she asked angrily. Her mouth was angry, at least.
Cara’s arms and legs did the exact opposite, bracing for the impact, pushing down as he’d instructed.
Never in a million years would she see the appeal of anal. The very idea was disgusting. Painful sounding. Her body wasn’t designed for that, and she was glad. His monster dick had barely fit in the right place. What in the world made him think it would fit up her backside?
All those rational thoughts warred to escape her mouth at the same time the head of his cock pressed against her anus. It tickled a little as he slipped it about. Her unexplored skin was ultra sensitive to everything happening, in yet another addition to the long list of her body’s betrayals.
If her empty center hadn’t been clenching and humming to get him back there, she might have liked the outside touch. It was almost pleasant.
Her nipples burned as they rubbed on the cold floor. Her center ached with carnal want. The only thing she could get in line with any sensible thinking was her mouth. She should be fighting him again. Instead, all her other parts decided to be completely on board with his perverted plans.
“You’re huge. It won’t fit. You can’t.” Didn’t they need lubricant or something, at least? Brenda had told her lubricant was good for everything. She’d given Cara a jar of the stuff for her first time.
That jar wasn’t here.
“Humm. Huge? Hardly. I’m proportionate to normal prime size.”
“Normal? Nothing about you is normal. You are too big.”
“Standard is the correct word, I believe. ‘Say, Commander Bastian, nothing about you is standard.’ I like how that sounds. Now hold still.” He pushed.
It hurt. Burned. Stretched. Cara yowled. Her hands bent into claws with an effort to get away and pull herself forward. He simply pulled her back with an arm around her waist.
His dick notched inside, splitting her open.
“You don’t seem as wet here,” he mused.
“I’m not supposed to be wet there!”
He ignored her shout and instead curled over her back until she felt his deft fingers slip through her folds, aiming for her clit.
He could try to turn her on, but she would never like this. She wouldn’t. It was like he was trying to insert a baseball bat into a tiny pucker, and even his dizzying, mind altering presence couldn’t change how that felt.