Page 65 of The Commander
His mouth kicked up at the corner on one side before he dropped his arm back around her shoulders and drew her back into himself, tipping her chair toward his.He was a snuggler.
She let the embrace happen. He was so damn warm, and his touch just felt good all over.
“You are my mate. My enemies are your enemies. They will use you against me if they can. You are in danger. You will tell me everything you know about Brenda, this Andy person, Mister Danov, and that knife.”
“I think I’ve told it all.” She repeated it again, from meeting Brenda at Springfield all the way up to getting kicked out of Dalewood for refusing to have sex with Danov or any of his goons.
Bastian leaned forward and kissed her forehead as if it were the most natural thing in the world. Her expression made him pause.
“Did I do that incorrectly?”
She felt heat come to her cheeks. Why was she blushing? “No. No. Yes.” Warm and fuzzy feelings tingled all through her body. “Fuck. What is wrong with me? I don’t even know you. Why do I like that? Like you?”
“Poor Kitten. Poor mate. Don’t you know? You are mine.”
“I belong to myself.” She tried to pull her hand away from his, but he’d clasped them tightly together. She couldn’t even sit up away from him. Not that shereallywanted to. Not a single muscle in her body wanted to move or twitch. He supported her so well that it would be easy not to go anywhere. Fall asleep for a little nap. Right here.
“Humm. That is an interesting position to take when you know it is not true. However, it will be fun teaching you otherwise.”
“You are an alien.” The man wasn’t paying attention to the facts. She couldn’t like him. It was obviously wrong on a cellular level. Her human imperative was to fight and resist him. And she would. Later. Possibly. Right now, it seemed like a lot to ask.
“Yes. And so are you.”
“So am I? An alien? What kind of answer is that?” She yawned again, and her jaw popped.
“The correct one. Come, my tired mate. We will retire briefly, and then we must go to your town. There is much unfinished business there. I also need to deal with Control and order another troop of red hats. This last batch was defective, I’m afraid.”
“You are just going to leave that there?I’m an alien?I’m not. I’m fully human. I know who my parents were. You just can’t say things like that.” She’d closed her eyes at some point, but her brain was still working fine. What in the world had he meant by that obscure comment?
“You wish for information? Ask me nicely. Say my name.”
Her exaggerated sigh came as naturally as breathing and led right into another damn yawn. “Please, Commander Bastian, tell me what the hell you are talking about.”
“Later,” he answered succinctly. “Right now, you will rest so we can take care of other tasks.”
“But you said ask nicely.”
“That wasn’t nice.” Instead of waiting for her to stand, he scooped her out of her chair. “If you do not wish to put on clothes and keep my mind off these lovely tits of yours, that’s fine. You only need to say if you wish me to suck on them while you rest.”
She was too tired to pretend to be outraged. That actually sounded sweet. Intimate without the work of full on sex. Lifting her high enough to nuzzle her chest, he kissed her bare skin, licking with his wet hot tongue. It was like a brand on her flesh, instantly arousing.
She was tired, as he said. Not in the mood. At least she hadn’t been until he touched her and set fire to all other thoughts out of her mind.
Maybe another round of alien intercourse was worth the work after all?
For the first time in his life, he was trapped and unable to move. What a singular sensation.
If he moved, he’d wake Kitten. He thought she would go right to sleep after eating.
Instead, he’d gotten distracted by her soft skin. They’d ended up mating again.
She had either given up or forgotten to be angry and afraid. He didn’t know which but enjoyed the results. She clung to him, wrapping him up in her arms and legs, her mouth finding his skin. Tasting him.
As much as he loved the chase and the prey’s ultimate surrender, her fervent enthusiasm—as if her desire met his—raised his heart rate and his temperature. What was that? Excitement? Fear? He wasn’t sure he liked his own response. Didn’t matter. Like everything about the girl, her uninhibited desire was instantly his favorite treat in this world.
He craved it. Had to have it all.