Page 44 of Every Broken Thing
“She’s my girlfriend,” he said like it was obvious.
Before I could respond, the coach called for his team to gather, and Ronnie bent down to press a kiss to Esther’s temple. I faced Ben and gave him an awkward pat on the shoulder.
“Break a leg.”
He quirked a face at me, and I shrugged.
“I mean, go swim good!” I flashed jazz hands, and Ben laughed.
“Thanks for the sentiment.”
Spotting Kim in the crowd, I stepped toward the bleachers and waved Esther over. “You can sit with us if you want. My friends are saving us a spot.”
Esther shrugged. “Okay.”
Before I could climb onto the bleachers, someone gripped my elbow and tugged gently. I half-turned as Ben leaned in unnecessarily close, and my world narrowed to spring soap and spearmint. My throat clicked as I swallowed.
“Thanks for coming and watching me,” he said almost shyly.
My heart pitter-pattered pathetically in my chest. “You don’t have to thank me.”
“Still, thanks.” He squeezed my elbow, his touch practically burning my skin. “I like the shirt, by the way.”
I glanced down at my‘Ben is #1’tanktop. “Well, I hope so. I made it for you, after all.”
“Does that mean I get to keep it?”
“You want my shirt?” I eyed him suspiciously, and he shrugged. “I guess you can keep it.Ifyou win.”
The waves in his eyes crashed and swirled wildly. “Oh, I’ll win.”
“I prefer confident.”
Blowing a raspberry, I pushed him in the direction of his team. “Go put your money where your mouth is, then.”
As Ben joined his teammates, I climbed the bleachers with Esther, introducing her to my friends when we took our seats. Esther sat beside me and tucked her hands into her hoodie pocket.
“So how did you and Ronnie meet,” I asked her as the first race began.
“We’ve been friends since junior high,” she said as she watched the racers cut through the water. “His family attended my church for a little while.”
“Oh, cool.”
When the first race ended, she looked my way. “How did you meet Ben?”
“Uh, Sociology class,” I lied smoothly.
We chatted intermittently as we watched the meet. It was actually kind of boring since the only thing the swimmers did was swim back and forth in a straight line. But we cheered for Ronnie when he swam butterfly, and I was excited for the intermission when Ben would dive.
During the last race before the diving portion, Ben shed his parka and started stretching, and I did my best not to ogle. But there was so much skin and smooth muscle. It was just very nice, okay?
When the divers were called forward, I clapped and cheered as Kim and Caroline waved their boas. Ben studiously ignored us, but his cheeks were red and he was smiling, so I knew he loved it. Even if he was embarrassed by our antics.
When it was his turn, they announced Ben’s name, and I rested my elbows on my knees as he climbed the three steps to the board. He walked to the edge and turned his back to the pool, balancing on the tips of his toes. I might have admired his round ass packed into that tiny Speedo, but then again, who wouldn’t?
In my not so professional opinion, his first dive was executed with precision, and when Ben resurfaced, we stood and clapped. He swam to the ladder and pulled himself out of the water with a satisfied smile curling his lips. The judges held up their score cards, three 8’s, and the team went wild again.