Page 46 of Every Broken Thing
“Save me!” I reached for the person closest to me, which happened to be Esther. “He’s going to rip out all my leg hair.”
She snorted. “Gross.”
“Celebratory milkshake run!” Kim announced, and I glared in utter betrayal as they all ignored Ben’s abuse.
“I have no friends,” I lamented, and Ben hooked an arm around my neck and steered me toward the exit doors.
“I’m your friend.”
Ignoring the warmth sparking in my chest at his words, I reached out and twisted his nipple viciously through his shirt. He whimpered like a baby and scampered away, rubbing at his chest.
“Dude, uncalled for.”
“I was avenging my leg hair,” I said, holding my head up higher. “Now we’re even.”
We fell into step beside each other, snickering quietly. He bumped my shoulder with his. I bumped him back. His hand brushed mine, and I fisted my hand to keep from twining our fingers together.
Because he was straight, and this wasn’t flirting.
“You were really good,” I said as we left the warmth of the school, the wintry air chilling me through the sweatshirt I’d donned. “You never told me you were that good.”
Ben blushed, rubbing the back of his neck. “I didn’t win.”
“You got second, which is crazy impressive.” I knocked his arm with my elbow. “For real, you were great.”
“Thanks.” He smiled, nudging my arm back. “I’m glad you came.”
“Even if I embarrassed you?”
He nodded, reaching out to trace the diver on my shirt until the zipper holding my hoodie closed stopped his progress. “Yeah, even though you embarrassed me. Too bad I didn’t earn this, though.”
I glanced down where his finger hovered over my sternum. Impulsively, I unzipped my hoodie and shivered as I removed it. “Hold this.”
He obeyed, and his cheeks colored with a fresh blush as I worked the tank top up and over my head. The November air froze my nipples, and I quickly exchanged the tank top for my hoodie, slipping my arms inside and zipping it closed.
“Shit, it’s cold.”
Ben stood stock still, my tank top hanging loose in his grasp.
“Earth to Ben?” I said, and he blinked, avoiding my gaze as he focused on the tank top.
“But I didn’t win,” he said.
“You did in my book,” I offered, and his dimple played peek-a-boo.
“Thanks.” He met my eyes fleetingly before looking away.
“Meet you at the drive-in?” I asked, and he nodded. “You good?”
Another nod.
“Okay.” Confused, and maybe a little embarrassed that I’d stripped in front of him, I backed toward my truck where Jordan waited. “See you at the drive-in.”
He turned and walked to his car without responding, and I watched him go, my mind working a mile a minute. Had I made him uncomfortable when I took off my shirt? He was a swimmer; he literally showered with other guys.
Other straight guys, my brain reminded me, and my mood soured.