Page 13 of Judgment Day
“My man, huh?” Exa said. “And here I was, thinking you were my savage.”
Another round of, “Ooohs,” arose from Oni and Rain. Scar tried to keep the smile off his face. He failed.
“Look! He’s smiling,” Lathan pointed out. “He used to never smile.”
“What did I tell you about keeping secrets?” Scar ruffled the kid’s hair.
Lathan stepped back, pushing Scar’s hand away. “You said we could share secrets with family. And stop. Oni just combed my hair.”
Still trying to fix his hair, Lathan rushed back to Oni’s side. It was good to see the kid settling down into a normal routine. From day one, he’d never been treated like an outsider. He’d been welcomed in with open arms. He’d taken to Oni and her kids quick as hell. Miriam said it was because he felt like a big brother to the twins.
One evening, while looking for the pain meds Julien had hidden from him, Scar walked into the playroom Chopper created for the kids to find Lathan teaching the twins how to behave. Ya-Ya and Kov had been seated on the floor, staring up at Lathan, giving him their undivided attention.
He’d been standing in front of them, explaining why they had to be quiet while the grown-ups worked. They never talked aboutworkin front of the kids. However, Miriam had told Lathan that the grown-ups were working on a big case, and she needed him to not go into the meeting room when they were in there. So, Lathan relayed that message to the twins in their own little meeting. Lathan stared up at Rain.
“What kind of muffin did Scar get?” Lathan asked.
“He hasn’t gotten his yet. But, he likes the chocolate chip,” Rain told him.
Exa looked over at Scar and winked. That was all it took to make him smile again.
“I want chocolate chip, too, please. I’ll wash my hands first.” Lathan rushed to the sink.
“Meeting,” Julien called from the other room. “Whoever is not here in one minute gets called out to the ring.”
Oni shook her head. Rain chuckled. Exa strode toward him.
Scar wrapped his arm around Exa’s shoulders before telling the others, “Enjoy your breakfast, ladies. Lathan, be good.”
“I will!” Lathan shouted, muffin halfway to his mouth.
Scar escorted Exa out of the room.
“Take a bite.” Exa held up a chocolate chip muffin for him to eat.
He bit into it. She pulled the muffin away, took a bite out of it, then closed her eyes and groaned. Arousal shot through him. Was the muffin that good?
“I swear, that lady is a beast in the kitchen. Her food is damn near orgasmic,” Exa moaned.
Scar coughed, choking on the bite of muffin he was supposed to have been chewing. A quick glance around him let him know no one else had seen his woman moan like she was getting her pussy eaten from the back. Had there been anyone present, Scar would’ve had to call them to the ring for hearing her make such a sound. He returned his attention to Exa. Her eyes were still closed.
“Is it that good?” he asked. She nodded. “Is it better than the orgasms I give?”
Without hesitation, she told him, “Her cooking is a close second to your orgasms. Very close. I’m talking as close as you were to losing to me at the shooting game.”
This motherfucker!He shocked her into almost dropping her food when he forced her back against the wall.
“Did you just insinuate that her cooking was better than sex with me?” He glared down at her short ass.
His shorty shrugged, holding the muffins close. “Don’t feel too bad, though. I mean, you’re still recovering. I’m sure you’ll get your mojo back when...”
A yelp escaped her when he picked her up. Her legs immediately wrapped around his waist. He pressed her back against the wall and leaned into her. She trembled. Not because of the muffins. Because of him. Her reactions to him always surprised him. They shouldn’t. Yet, they did. He was amazed at how much this woman wanted him. Almost as much as he wanted her.
“I dare you to say that again,” he told her, voice barely above a whisper.
“I...” she started, then snapped her lips shut. “Say what? What did I say?”
“You know what...” he paused.