Page 26 of Judgment Day
“If that’s true, why did I see you and Liam in the backyard last night, star...”
Seven spun around and placed her hand over her sister’s mouth, silencing Skye’s words before Exa could hear them.
“Don’t say another word,” Seven warned. “Or I’ll tell Exa about that thing you lost.”
Skye’s eyes widened. The twin slowly nodded her head. Seven lowered her hand. Both girls faced Exa. Both looked guilty as fuck.
“Seven,” Exa started. “What were you and Liam doing in the backyard? And Skye, what the hell did you lose?”
The twins gave her a confused look. “What are you talking about?” they asked in unison just as Arson re-entered the room.
Arson stared at her phone as she sat down at the table. When she looked up, Exa instantly knew something was wrong.
“That was our superior who called you, wasn’t it?” Exa asked.
Arson nodded.
“Why did you leave the room to talk to her?”
“She asked me to,” Arson replied.
“Did she say something she didn’t want me to hear?”
“Ummm...” Arson drawled.
“What is it?” Exa asked.
Arson took a deep breath.
“Just spit it out,” Exa told her. “I’m a big girl. I can take it.”
Arson released the breath slowly. “You know how our superior said we could help the guys with this Letisha thing?”
“Did she change her mind?” Seven asked.
“She can’t change her mind,” Skye groaned. “We have to help Letisha.”
Arson’s eyes never strayed from Exa.
“What is it?” Exa pressed.
“Nova wants us to handle this ourselves.”
“What?” All of them asked in unison.
Arson nodded.
“At first, she didn’t want us to have anything to do with it,” Exa pointed out. “Now, she wants us to handle it without the guys.”
Arson nodded. “She’s investigated them. Though they can usually get the job done, she learned that their casualty count is high, and they frequently destroy public property while on missions.”
Those were all the things the Timeless tried to avoid doing.
“None of those things will happen this time,” Exa stated. “They’ll have us with them. We’ll make sure they don’t blow shit up and destroy public property. Oh, and not kill everyone.”
“That’s not the only thing she’s worried about. While researching them, she received intel that solidified her decision to have us do this without the guys.”
“What was it?” Exa asked. “What intel did she receive?”