Page 33 of Judgment Day
"Thank you for saying that," he told her.
"Why are you thanking me?"
"Sometimes, I wonder if I make your life better or worse."
"Scar, you never have to wonder that."
"I know. Still, those thoughts cross my mind sometimes. I don't try to think it. It just pops up."
"Well, savage, whenever those thoughts pop up, remember my voice telling you this. For me, you're like the eye of a storm."
"Is that supposed to be a good thing?" he asked, frowning.
"Yes. You're my center, the only quiet place for me when chaos is swirling around me. I rarely rest when I’m asleep. Sleep sometimes brings nightmares. Staring into your eyes brings only warmth. As I’ve already told you before, you’re my happy place. You’re my calm. You’re love, Scar. Pure love."
He turned onto his side, facing away from her.
“Hey!” She yelled. “Why did you turn away from me?” She shook him. “Scar! Why did you turn away?”
Since he wasn’t answering, she climbed over him. Just as she lay on the other side of him, he turned over again.This motherfucker.
“Scar!” she yelled as she straddled him. He turned onto his back, and that’s when she saw them – unshed tears in her man’s eyes. Exa smiled.
“Are you laughing at me?” he asked, blinking.
“I’m not.”
“You are.”
Before she could say she wasn’t again, he gripped her hips and flipped them both over, switching their positions. The way her savage handled her thick ass always thrilled her. Lying flat on her back, she stared up at him. Those unshed tears had disappeared.
“Were you laughing at me?” he asked again.
“Why were you smiling?”
Her smile returned.
“You’re doing it again,” he pointed out.
“It’s your fault. You make me do it. Seeing your big ass get choked up over my words makes me happy, Scar. You’re like a big teddy bear.”
He frowned. “Are you calling me soft?”
“Uh, what I meant to say was, you’re like a murderous teddy bear.”
He appeared deep in thought before asking, “A murderous teddy bear that comes with a machete?”
She nodded. “And a bat with barbwire wrapped around it. We’ll call it, the Assassin Teddy.”
He chuckled. “That sounds better. I’ll be your murderous teddy bear.”
“Really? Can I call you savage teddy from now on?”
“No.” He moved to lie down next to her.
She turned over to stare down at him. “I can’t call you my big savage teddy?”