Page 42 of Judgment Day
Damn, this man. Exa had to turn away from him and stare at the computer screen. If she continued staring into his eyes, she’d end up showing him‘what that mouth do’again.
“Let’s devise a plan,” she told him, trying to take her mind off freaky shit.
“What was with that look you just gave me?” he teased.
“What look?” she asked, avoiding his gaze.
“You know. That was your, I’m ready to relax you again, look.”
He knew her so well in such a short time. He shoulder-bumped her.
“What’s going on in that nasty mind of yours?” he asked.
“Nothing. Focus.”
“Just tell me what you were thinking, and I will get back to planning.”
Exa faced him. “If you must know, I was craving your dick in my mouth. There. You ready to focus now?”
That wiped the smile off his face.
“Why are you looking shocked?” Exa asked. “I only confirmed what you were already expecting.”
“I’m not shocked. I was just thinking that you say whatever you feel. I don’t have to guess with you. When you’re horny, you say it. When you’re feeling down, you say it. I’ve never been told I love you so many times in my life. Not even from my family, who I know loved me. You amaze me, Exa. I nearly lose my breath whenever you enter a room. My heart races whenever I’m near you. I’m in awe of you.”
Come on, bitch. Be strong. Don’t cry. Keep your tears in. Keep them in. Stop being a weak bitch.
“You can’t just say stuff like that out of the blue, Scar,” she whispered.
My heart can’t handle it.
Scar surprised her when he leaned over and kissed her. It was one of the sweetest kisses they’d ever shared. Her man poured all the love he felt for her into that kiss. Each caress of his tongue against hers felt like he was whispering those three words to her, over and over again.
I love you. I love you. I love you.
The tears she’d just been proud of herself for holding at bay spilled down her cheeks. When Scar pulled away from the kiss, he wiped the tears from her face.
“I love you,” he whispered. “Sometimes it scares me how much I love you.”
“Same here.” She sniffled as he kissed her forehead. “I promise I’m not a crybaby,” she added.
“Okay, crybaby,” he told her, facing the laptop.
“I’m not a crybaby.”
“I know, crybaby. Look at the screen.”
Smiling, Exa stared at the screen. She really wasn’t a crybaby. There were just so many new and confusing emotions swirling through her heart and soul. Sometimes, they were a little overwhelming.
It was sad that her grown ass had to adjust to being loved and loving someone other than her sisters. But, she did. And so far, she had no regrets. And she wanted to keep it that way. Exa’s phone rang. She turned onto her side to pull it out of her pocket. It was Seven.
“Sup, Seven?”
“I’ve got info on the judge.”
“Do you have Scar’s email?”