Page 59 of Judgment Day
Scar chuckled. Fuck them people. He was just happy she was okay.
“Hey, Scar,” Liam said. “Seven is checking in with Exa and telling her the same info I’m telling you. It’s time for you two to move to the other side of the house. Turn the corner and go down the next hall. At the end of the hall, Exa is going to head right. You will head left and take out the guy guarding the front door. Take him out quickly, then meet Exa at the stairs.”
Scar stared over at Exa as he listened to Liam. Though they’d gone over this plan a dozen times, the Timeless agents still insisted that they be talked through it, just in case someone forgot or someone messed up. Scar was accustomed to just going with the flow. See someone, shoot someone, until you reach your target. But he couldn’t deny that this way was proving more efficient.
“Upstairs, the two of you first need to check both sides of the terrace to put darts in the guards out there before they wake up,” Liam continued. “You’ll take the north side. Exa will take the south.”
They had to split up again. Scar sighed.
“You’ll meet back up in the middle. Then you’ll proceed to the surveillance room. Take out the two guards in there using smoke bombs, then darts. You’ll need your masks on for that. Down the hall and around the corner of this house that is much too big, is the judge’s room. There are two guards standing outside his door. I can’t see in his room. He does have a PC in his room. I was able to hack into that camera and mic. But the PC is not facing his bed. It’s in the corner, and all I can see is the wall. I don’t know if he’s asleep inside or not. Neither do I know if there’s a guard in there with him. Once in the room, you’ll grab the judge, tie him up, and Exa can begin her torture session while all of us monitor the cams to make sure no one wakes up and no one approaches the property. Got it?” Liam asked.
“Got it,” Scar said. Eyes on Exa, he waited for her to say, got it. A few seconds ticked by before she finally said it.
“Got it.” She looked up at him. “I’ll meet you at the stairs.”
She moved to walk away. He grabbed the back of her shirt and pulled her against him. Before she could speak or protest, he spun her around and claimed her lips in a quick kiss.
“Be safe,” he whispered.
“You too.”
He released her and watched her walk away. He sighed heavily before following behind her. They split up, and he went after the guard at the front door. He reached the main room of the house and found the guard standing near the door with his back to him. His phone was to his ear, and he was chuckling.
“Yeah, he’s probably somewhere fucking that bitch,” the guard said. “She stayed late, waiting for him to arrive. The others have gone home for the night. His wife don’t give a fuck. She fucking Mike. Yeah, big Mike. I ain’t gonna tell him shit. That ain’t my business.”
Scar could put a dart in him right now, but he didn’t want the person on the other end of the phone to know something was going down. It seemed like the guard was talking to someone who knew the guard and maid Scar had already tranqed. The person on the other end of the phone could be someone in the house. Scar strode forward, then crouched behind a black sofa.
Come on, motherfucker. Get off the phone.
“Shiiit, I’m about to go take a piss, then check the perimeter one more time before taking a nap. Fuck that. The judge’s ass is paranoid. When was the last time someone tried to break into his property? Not since I’ve been working for him. I know. Call me if he wakes up and starts moving around and shit. Alright.”
The guard ended the call. Before the man could turn around, Scar put a dart in his throat, then raced from behind the couch, leaving the dart gun with his duffle bag.
“Fuck!” The guard’s hand went to his neck.
He pulled the dart out and tossed it to the floor as he spun around. His eyes widened when he came face to face with Scar’s fist. Scar slammed his fist into the guard’s nose. Blood spurted. The guard’s lips parted. Scar could tell he was about to scream. He punched him in the throat, then the stomach.
Choking, the guard doubled over. Scar brought his elbow down on the back of the man’s head, forcing him to his knees. The damn tranq still hadn’t kicked in. Scar scanned the room, making sure they were still alone, before grabbing the man’s hair and pulling his head back.
Blood dripped from the man’s nose. He opened his mouth to say something. But his eyes drifted shut, and his body went lax. Scar released his head and watched the body fall to the floor.About damn time.
“Exa is waiting for you by the stairs,” Liam informed him.
Damn it.Was she extra fast, or was he just slow as hell? He checked outside to make sure the guards out there were still out. They were. Scar returned to his bag to retrieve his dart gun, then headed back to the front door.
“Scar, Exa is heading upstairs. The guards on the terrace are starting to recover.”
Fuck.Scar put two darts in the guards on the front porch before rushing back into the house and racing for the stairs. When he reached them, he looked around, trying to spot Exa.
“She’s already gone up the stairs. Head to the north terrace. The guards are starting to sit up.”
Shit.Scar took the stairs two at a time. When he reached the top, he headed for the terrace.
“One of the two guards on the terrace is talking into his walkie, checking in, asking what happened,” Liam informed him. “He has his weapon out. But he’s still a bit out of it.”
Scar reached the terrace. One guard was helping the other one inside. Scar fired a dart at the guard who was helping.
“What the fuck?” the guard called out, hand going to his thigh.