Page 68 of Judgment Day
Blood dripped from the corners of his mouth when he smiled. A chill raced down her spine. She was staring at pure evil. She saw hell in his eyes. There was no good in this man.
“I’d planned to sell your virginity to the highest bidder.” The judge spat out another mouthful of blood, then laughed. “If only you knew how many offers I got for you. Do you want to know what they’d planned to do to you?”
Exa turned away from him and walked over to her duffle as he started listing the things his friends had wanted to do to her. Each thing he listed was more depraved than the one before it.
Unable to take anymore, Scar yelled, “Shut up before I cut your tongue out.”
“I’m just telling the truth,” the judge said, laughing. “Instead of waiting, I should’ve sold you. Dr. Fitz had promised me a fortune for you, Angel.”
“That’s not my name,” she whispered, eyes closed. Exa took a deep breath, then opened her eyes and searched her bag for what she was looking for. She no longer wanted the other items she’d laid out. This was a special occasion. It called for a special weapon.
“When he was murdered, I knew something was up,” the judge continued. “When members of my staff started dropping like flies, members who had been infatuated with you, I knew it was you. The only one I felt bad for was the doctor. He was a dear friend. He and I had plans for you. He was a good man. He’d been willing to share you with me.”
Exa grabbed what she was looking for, then whirled around. “You sick pervert. I was only a child.”
“Read a history book, bitch. Men have been attracted to younger women...”
Exa slapped him, forcing his mouth shut. His teeth clinked together.
“Younger women?” she sneered. “Just say little girls. Because that’s what we were. Kids.”
“Call it what you want. But it’s been happening since the beginning of time.”
“That doesn’t make it right.”
“Who are you to say what’s right or wrong?”
Exa rotated her small weapon between her fingers. “Who are you to decide another person’s fate? You are not God!”
The judge smiled, lips bloody. He glanced down at the item she was holding. His dismissive look let her know he didn’t think much of her weapon of choice.
“I may not be God,” he told her. “But I’m close enough.”
More gunshots sounded from all parts of the house. It was like they were in a war zone. Exa had to hurry up. It wouldn’t be long before the authorities came out to this place. They’d planned to put the people they tranqed into these cages. They may not even have time to do that. Exa twirled her weapon between her fingers.
“What’s that little shit?” the judge asked.
Exa glanced up at him. “Is it too small for you?” she pressed a button on the side. The device elongated. His eyes widened. “Big enough now?”
He swallowed.
“You shouldn’t judge things by their size,” she told him. “Even the skinniest device could shock you.”
She pressed the device to his chest and pressed a different button. A jolt of electricity rocked the judge’s body. He cried out. She held the device against his flesh until smoke began to rise from his chest. Then and only then did she pull it back.
“Take his pants off,” she told Scar, who’d just finished, bandaging up his wounds.
“No.” The judge shook his head. “What do you plan to do?” he whispered, almost breathless. His body jerked, still feeling shocks from her taser.
“I thought you’d like to be naked in this room,” Exa told him as Scar yanked the judge’s silk pajama pants off.
“I’ll pay you,” the judge started pleading. “I’ll pay both of you. And I won’t send anyone after you. I was just joking when I said I would.”
The creepy fucker wasn’t wearing any underwear. And he had the tiniest dick Exa had ever seen on a fucking grown man. She hadn’t known grown men came in that size. It was an extra, extra, extra small penis. Were there even any condoms that could fit that pink thumb-sized dick? Frowning, Scar stepped away from him. Exa returned to her duffle bag to put on gloves.
“Don’t touch his dick,” Scar told her as she approached the judge.
Exa stared up at him. “I have to. Unless you want to do it for me.”