Page 72 of Judgment Day
“Yes, ma’am.”
“How do you plan to finish him?”
“I don’t,” Exa told her.
Nova side-eyed Exa. “Ever?”
Exa shook her head.
“Because he asked me to kill him. He wants death. I refuse to give this monster what he wants. I want him to live a long, torturous life. I want Debbie to have a chance to see him suffer. I want him to wake up to a new pain each day. I want him to beg for mercy, but it never comes. I want him to die of old age in the Timeless torture prison.”
Nova smiled. “I’ve raised you well.”
“Of course.”
“But are you sure you’ve done enough to appease your rage?” Nova asked.
Exa stared back at the judge. “When I first saw him, I froze. My team had to remind me that the Timeless don’t hesitate. But, for a second, I did. I didn’t realize how much this man scared me. I wanted him dead, so I could no longer be afraid of him. But then I saw fear in his eyes. I saw that he was afraid of me. And all that fear I’d felt melted away. I no longer want him dead. But my personal demons won’t rest until he’s suffered for years and years. So, I’m handing him over to you and the Timeless. I know our prison guards are the best. Hell, they taught me a few torture techniques.”
“But is this really what you want, Executioner?”
“It is, superior.”
“I’m proud of you, dear. And trust me, this man will live a long life. A life full of pain. I promise. As for you, you will be happy. And you will thrive. And when you feel low, you will lean on your sisters. We’ll carry you until you’re able to walk on your own again. This is my promise to you, dear.”
“Thank you, superior.” Exa blinked back tears. “I also have Scar to lean on.”
Superior rolled her eyes.
“He protected me, superior. He and Liam coordinated with us well. There’s no reason we should take the Letisha case from them. And there’s no reason for you not to appoint him as my guardian.”
Nova sighed. “Dear, I know you want me to accept him and be happy for you. But, Exa, the things I do, I don’t do them to hold you back or to make your life unhappy. I do them because I’ve experienced what you’re going through. I know how these things sometimes end. My superior told me the same thing I’m telling you, but I didn’t listen to her.”
“I know. Trust me, I do. But if you had listened to her, you never would’ve experienced the joy and love that came with having a family.”
Nova nodded. “You’re right. You’re absolutely right. Which is why I’m willing to put emotions first for you.”
Exa smiled. “Are you saying what I think you’re saying?”
“Yes. Because of the way he protected you, and because his friend stayed behind to help you, I’m willing to allow your little boyfriend and his team to help with the Letisha case. But not the one called Nik. He’s a liability.”
“Thank you, Nova. But seriously, there’s nothing little about my guy. Have you seen him?”
“Yourlittleboyfriend,” Nova reiterated. “And hislittleteam better not make me regret this. Or I will kill them all, one by one. This I promise you, Executioner.”
“We won’t mess up.”
“You better not. Now go. Don’t go to the cottage. Have Declan carry you back to the safe house. We have a crew heading here to clean up this mess. And we have a crew who will stay behind to save the hostages who are coming for the special event.”
“Do you need my help?”
“Your man is wounded, and you’re battered. You need to rest if you plan to save Letisha. And Exa, let his team know that I’ll be watching their every move on this case.”
“Yes, ma’am.”