Page 117 of Savage Bosses
“It’s getting bad at FuSeWater,” I said with a weary sigh. “Kyle fired the other dude too, Tim. He fired two people in one day. I mean, come on now.”
Jordyn’s eyes flashed with shock. “Damn, that’s cold. Why does the company let him get away with being such a jerk?”
“He’s the CEO. It’s his company.”
“Maybe he’s done firing people.”
“I hope so. We shouldn’t have to go into work worried every damn day.”
“So, what are you going to do?” Jordyn asked gently.
I shook my head. “I’m going to try to stay there. But he could easily fire me next.”
“Try to ignore him.”
“I could if he would just email me instead of calling me into his office.”
“I’m really curious about what he looks like. You didn’t give me a real description. Let me see something. It’s FuSeWater right?”
“Yeah. Why?”
Jordyn picked up her cell phone from the table and went straight to an internet search. “Tell me his name, first and last.”
“Why would you care?”
“I don’t care. I just wanna see something.”
“Oh, my god.”
“Girl, could you give me his name before our food gets here?”
“It’s Kyle Caldwell. C-A-L-D-W-E-L-L.”
Jordyn’s fingers tapped away. Quicker than I dreamed, she turned her cell phone screen toward me. “This the mans?”
“That’s the mans.”
“Is he married?” She asked.
“No, who would marry him?” I couldn’t imagine that man with a wife, or kids, or anything normal.
“Now you trippin’, girl, this man is fine.”
“He’s okay.” I shoulder shrugged.
“He looks young and like he works out.”
“Looks can be deceiving.”
“Look at his dick and smile every time he starts yelling at you. Then lick you lips.”
“I’m not going to do that. I can’t believe he fired two people in one day.”
“He did. Just make sure you are not one of them. It could be worse.”
“Worse than this?”
“He could be fugly.”