Page 119 of Savage Bosses
“Huh, well, seems like you have that covered. I have an urgent request for five expense reports that were due yesterday. Can you drop everything and get started on those right away? I will forward the email over to you. As soon as you're done, send them over to Rebecca in accounting.”
I just stood there in a trance. This man was really putting more work on me and trying to make me stay late.
“Are you staying away from my brother?”
“I haven’t seen your brother.”
“That’s not the question.”
“Yes, I am not trying to get with your brother.”
“Remember my fraternizing policy?”
I barely had time to grab a coffee from the breakroom. “I remember it. I signed a form. And you told me twice in three days.”
“Watch it. You can end up like Josh and Tim.”
“You can’t fire me. You keep giving me extra things to do.”
“Leave.” He grunted the word harshly and waved me away.
I was out of his office with lightning speed. It was time to start working. I grabbed something from the vending machines for lunch. I had to sit at my desk and eat.
I was halfway through the expense reports when Kathy walked into my cubicle carrying two cups of coffee. She set one on my desk, eyeing the stacks of paperwork with a frown.
“I bought you a coffee, just in case.” She smiled down at me.
“Thank you so much.” I said, taking a grateful sip from the cup. The warmth seeped into my veins, reviving my low energy.
“You might have a shot at a permanent position. Tim and Josh are gone.” Kathy perched on the edge of my desk, surveying the office with a scowl. “FuSeWater has great benefits, good healthcare and a lot of vacation days. This is a good company to work for.”
“I could work here, but I would never permanently work directly under him. Being a temp works for me, for now.”
“Still put in your resume with Sandra in HR. She’s on the third floor. Take it down to her soon. There are a few people here that came from temp agencies. How long is this assignment?”
“Apex Staffing told me it would be four or five months while Marjorie is on maternity leave. Did he treat Marjorie the way he treats me?”
“No, she was older and married. She has been his admin for five years.”
“Oh, that’s a long time.”
“I have to skedaddle.” Kathy lifted from my desk. “I’m sure Mr. Voyeur is probably watching us through his one-way glass.”
“I hope he has better things to do than stare at us.”
“The truth is, we’ll never know.” She shrugged with her hands and walked around to her desk.
I thought about what Kathy said. I could work here in another position on another floor. I wouldn’t have to look at Malibu Ken anymore and would have benefits.
The office mood was subdued, with employees walking on eggshells to avoid becoming the next target. At 6:30, I was all typed out, and I had to tap-out. I got the majority of my tasks done, but there was always tomorrow. When I turned in my time card at the end of the week, I was going to make sure I got every extra penny of overtime that I deserved.
I took a deep breath as I logged off my computer. I was the only one still in the bullpen. I removed my purse from the bottom drawer. I stood and turned to walk by his office door, hoping he wasn’t in there watching me. All hope died when his office door opened and he stepped into my pathway. I almost bumped into him.
“Where are you going?”
“Home.” I snapped.
“To your boyfriend?”