Page 138 of Savage Bosses
“I loved them.” I didn’t mean to say— loved.
“Good.” For the first time, I saw the hint of a real smile touch he corners of Kyle’s lips. His eyes were glued to my lips, making me feel warm inside and shy on the outside.
What the fuck is happening?
And just like that, I felt like Carrie Bradshaw gushing over Big.
“I came to get coffee for me and Kathy.”
“Oh, I thought you were following me.”
“What? I didn’t even know you were here today.”
“I’m joking.”
“Oh okay. I’ve never seen you joke before.”
“There are a lot of things you’ve never seen me do before.”
Okay then Mr. Caldwell. I stood there and made sure my mouth wasn’t agape. He walked off, leaving me alone in the breakroom with my heart beating out of my chest.
I nervously poured coffee for Kathy and me. I placed the lids on our paper cups and left the breakroom. I really needed someone to rip me out the plastic because I was acting brand new.
I placed Kathy’s coffee on her desk. She had ventured off somewhere, and it was probably to the printer.
As soon as I placed my bottom in the chair and took a sip of my coffee, my cell phone buzzed. I answered after seeing Jordyn’s name and connected her to my earbuds.
“Hey.” I said in a whisper.
“What took you so long to call me?”
“I didn’t get a chance to. I was getting coffee.”
“Okay, that’s lovely. Is the Viking king there?”
“Yes, I ran into him the employee breakroom.”
“What happened?”
“He apologized.”
“For real? For real?” Jordyn didn’t believe me. I wouldn’t believe it either.
“I told you. I was right. He wants to pop that pussy.”
“All he did was apologize. He didn’t get down on one knee. Calm down.”
“Okay, baby steps.”
“I have to get back to work.” I told her.
“Text me if something happens.”
“I will. Bye.” I hung up the call.
I tried to focus on work but I found myself daydreaming about the man that I loathed just a few days ago. He didn’t summon me until after lunch. I was nervous and wondered if all his words were bullshit and he was calling me into his office to fire me.