Page 161 of Savage Bosses
This time, when he stared at me, a glimpse of admiration escaped. If I were petty, I would roll my eyes. I didn’t need his approval.
“I’ve seen these reports already, so what makes them so urgent?”
“Your connection to the victims. While my people investigate their lives, I need to understand the extent of your histories together. Right now, your alibis are shaky at best. A good prosecutor could take you down on circumstantial evidence. Only your wealth and privilege are protecting you, but the longer we take to control the narrative, the more likely they’ll be to come after you.”
“Which is why we need a new face to represent the company. Ife refuses to do it because she hasn’t earned that kind of responsibility and she has her own dreams to chase.”
“Which leaves you, Mr. Luxe. No one else can represent Luxe Locations when your name is on all the properties.”
“Call me Kent. None of my employees call me Mr. Luxe.”
I rested my spine against the chair and considered him in silence. “I don’t think I will. As I’m not your employee, I wouldn’t want to confuse what this is.” I pointed between us the same way he had earlier.
Okay, maybe there was a tiny corner inside me where Petty Becky lived, and she chose now to raise her ratchet head. His earlier preemptive strike when he rejected me chafed and lit a fire inside me.
But I was a professional. One who would lather him in top-tier professionalism until I made him and his brand so squeaky clean Mr. Clean would come begging for a brand endorsement.
Violence was never the answer.
“Now, Mr. Luxe, the fastest way to jumpstart your new image is to start a new relationship. Something that speaks of stability so that Kent Luxe, the man, will be untouchable from the rumors about Kent Luxe, the billionaire bosshole.”
“Where do you get off calling me a bosshole?”
“Not me, your employees.” I pulled up the Boss Be Damned website and did an advanced search for the hashtag MBITA and de-luxe_digs in the chat rooms. “Part of my research into your image required that I get your employees’ unfiltered opinion about work here in general and you in particular.”
“I don’t understand. What am I looking at?” He pulled my laptop closer to peer at the comments.
“This is a place where people vent about their bosses. It’s supposed to be anonymous, but if you read enough comments, you can infer a company’s name. For example, I’m sure you’ll agree that these comments about de-luxe_digs are referring to Luxe Locations.”
“And MBITA? What does that mean?”
“My boss is the asshole. I’ll refrain from adding my opinion to the general consensus,” I said, without hiding the small uptick on my lips.
Kent swore under his breath as he read the comments painting him as unreasonable, full of his self-worth and ego, and out of touch with his employees’ needs. He shoved the laptop toward me in disgust. “So, I need a woman to help soften my image? You used the same tactic for another celebrity client.”
“Because it works.”
“This better not be an excuse to date me. I’ve already made myself clear where you’re concerned.”
“In your dreams. I only date men my age. I’m not into feeding the elderly or wiping their asses. No, we’re going to find you a girl-next-door type that will get people rooting for you instead of raising their pitchforks and demanding to eat the rich.”
The lie tasted bitter on my tongue. I’d tried dating men my age. I dated other older men. None compared to the Kent I’d built up since childhood. It wasn’t his money, though he was richer than some countries’ entire gross domestic product. It was the way he looked at me during the brief conversations that meant the world to me. I thought he saw me as an equal, someone he respected and valued; not some kid he had to appease for his daughter’s happiness.
“Do I make the final choice for this woman?”
“As long as your preference aligns with mine.” I fan out the photos of the victims my team collected, not the crime scene images, but candid shots they posted on their social media accounts. “Based on these women, you’ve developed a type since your wife passed.” I caught the next line and smothered it because while I didn’t mind insulting him, I refused to use Ife’s mom to do it.
“There is a charity ball in three days, so we’ll start reviewing applicants for your date tomorrow. If you provide me with a list of traits you’re looking for in a companion, I’ll consider your needs during the initial vetting process.”
Kent tapped the table. A frown pulled his lips down.
My hand itched to slap him for the crime of being so attractive while disapproving of me.
“We’ve talked about my image enough. What are your plans regarding the investigation?”