Page 181 of Savage Bosses
With his breath fanning my lips, he said, “I want to see you come for me.”
“Okay,” I whispered, curious to see if his hands would succeed where mine didn’t.
A fleeting touch brushed my clit, and my body shuddered in response.
“My little bunny is very responsive.” Kent repeated the action, pulling the same reaction from me time and again.
Under his diligent attention, liquid seeped between my thighs. My breasts ached from so much need I couldn’t ignore them. I pulled at my nipples, moaning Kent’s name as he alternated the pressure he applied to my clit.
When I thought I was at my limit, he pushed two fingers inside my pussy. My walls clutched him, squeezing him tight as he withdrew and plunged inside me over and over.
“Kent,” I begged as I writhed under his attentive caresses.
“It’s okay, little bunny. Stay with me and I promise you won’t regret it.”
The build-up I was so used to came faster and more powerful. Would this time be different? Could Kent achieve where I’d failed?
My moans grew louder, and I squeezed my eyes shut, unable to withstand the waves of desire buffeting my body. Then Kent pinched my clit and my body exploded. For endless minutes, my body seized as pleasure washed me away. The intensity of my release consumed my senses.
Slowly, Kent’s voice praising me brought me back to the bed, where he gently caressed my body. As awareness returned, I blinked my eyes open.
“Hey, beautiful. Do you think you can handle another one?” Awe filled Kent’s face and voice as he continued to marvel at me.
Speechless, I nodded.
He left the bed but returned before I had time to miss him. In the brief span, he’d put on a condom. “Put me inside you when you’re ready.”
Before he finished his order, I reached for him, spreading my legs to welcome him.
“Slow and easy, little bunny. Tonight you’re going to introduce me to my pussy, and I aim to treat her well.”
I bit my lip as I welcomed him inside my body. Kent’s head fell against my shoulder.
“Fuck, you feel so good.” His breath fanned my neck. The strain from holding himself in check emboldened me.
“You, too.” I hooked my leg around his hip, feeling him slide deeper inside me, filling and stretching me.
When he was fully inside, he raised himself on his elbow to look between our joined bodies. He swiveled his hips, dragging a deep moan out of me. “Stay with me.”
Kent laced our fingers together, and without breaking eye contact, he made love to me. Between sweet kisses and the long drag of his dick inside me, pleasure enshrouded us in an intimate cocoon.
Because he’d primed me with an orgasm to end all orgasms, my next one came swiftly and brutally. My pussy clamped down on him, causing him to swear and beg from one breath to the other as my climax hauled him along.
Instead of pulling out, Kent rolled us until I rested against his chest. “We have a problem.”
I rose to watch his face. From his tone, I wasn’t concerned, but I was curious.
He pushed my hair behind my ear. “There’s no way I can be professional around you at the office when I’ll want to be inside you all the time.”
His confession forced a laugh from me, which caused my pussy to clench down on his dick. He met my startled gaze with a sheepish grin.
“I warned you we had a problem.” He slipped out of me to put a fresh condom on his new erection. “And this time, I can’t promise to take you slow and gentle.”
“I told you before I wanted your beast. Nothing’s changed.”
“Good, because I don’t care what time of day or night, work or home, when this pussy is in need, I will fill her up.” I thrust into her, feeling her walls swallow me. “And she’s in need right now.”