Page 184 of Savage Bosses
She pulled back as doubt clouded her eyes. “Are you punishing me?”
I firmed my lips and pinned her in my steely gaze.
“No, I won’t accept that. You don’t get to be mad about my clothes and withhold your dick from me. Remember your promise?” Madison snaked her hand under her skirt. When she retracted it, her fingers glistened in the afternoon sun. “You said, ‘I don’t care what time of day or night, work or home, when this pussy is in need, I will fill her up.’ Well, damn you, it’s time to do your job!”
“If you want my cock, you’re going to have to take it. Take me so good that when I look at that damn suit, I won’t remember why I’m mad now.”
“You think I can’t do it?”
“You think you can?”
She took two steps back to take all of me in. “You aren’t going to provide any help?”
“I’m not moving from this chair.”
She nodded the nod of someone who thought they were about to show someone up. “Alright, we haven’t fucked in a chair yet. I guess I’ll be the one to mark it off my list first.”
Madison raised her hands and pulled the pins securing her corkscrew curls in an updo. As each stand fell, I sensed the battle ahead. I made no secret of what seeing her fluff her curls did to me, or having them feather across my face when she leaned over me. When everything about her was my weakness, how could her hair be the most potent? I couldn’t explain it, but I knew I was already in a losing position the moment she hiked her skirt and straddled me on the chair, blanketing my face in her hair.
“Kent, you sure you don’t want to fill my pussy up?”
I clutched the armrests beside me. The words to answer her, though, I refused to let pass my lips.
Madison swiveled her hips against my erection and I gritted my teeth against the pleasure. “I think I’m going to have fun playing with you so much. Every time you remember this suit, you’ll remember how much I creamed all over your pants before I fucked your brains out.”
I inhaled sharply, regretting the challenge I’d issued her moments ago.
“Maybe I’ll make you come in your pants without ever putting your dick inside me. Think about all that wasted cum.” She tsked, and that shit cut the last thread holding me together.
I pulled her head back by her hair. “Unzip me and take my cock out now, little bunny. You will regret toying with me when I have to carry you out of here with my cum leaking down your legs for everyone to see.”
After our first night together, Madison said she wanted to feel me without barriers. I couldn’t deny her even had I wanted to. Sinking into her, touching her walls without the latex shield, elevated sex with her to new heights. And filling her with my seed launched me to another level of nirvana.
“Promises, promises,” she taunted me, but her quick movements releasing me from my pants spoke to her desperation. She fisted me and rose, on the verge of impaling herself.
“I don’t think so.” I pushed her back until she had to stand.
“What are you doing? I want my chair sex.”
Instead of answering her, I turned her until she faced the darkening skyline in the distance, then pulled her onto my lap.
She leaned into me, rubbing her ass on my cock and causing the blood to rush to my head. “I can get with this position, too.”
“You know the drill, little bunny. Put me inside you.”
With her skirt scrunched at her waist, I watched her impale herself on my cock through the reflection in the window. Her pussy opened in welcome as she slid down my length.
“Mmm, Kent. Why do you have to make giving me the D so hard?”
“Why do you insist on challenging me?” I hugged her waist, feeling for the buttons enclosing her suit jacket and preventing me from seeing her breasts bounce as she took my cock. In her ear, I whispered, “Since you insist on being a brat, you’ll have to bear the consequences.” I ripped open her suit and scattered the buttons to parts unknown.
“Don’t move!” I thrust into her and grabbed the skimpy camisole she wore underneath the revealing jacket. “Right now, all you need to do is take this cock.” I speared her over and over again, relishing in the sweet walls clutching me and her dulcet wails.
She put a hand on the fist clutching her shirt. As if that could stop me.