Page 204 of Savage Bosses
Haddon laughs. "She wanted to quit her job and spend our money. We had a discussion and figured out we didn't like her well enough for that. So, we cut her loose."
"How many relationships have you been in?" Nixon tilts her head. "I just remember the one who kept coming in like she owned the office. After I told her off, she left me alone, but she ended up disappearing shortly thereafter."
Marsten's lips tighten. "We received a lot of complaints about her in the office. After she came to us demanding we fire you, it was the end of her. We'll always pick you."
"Definitely not going to get rid of the best person we've had work for us since we started this business. You're not going to slouch off since we're an us now, right?" I kid.
The back of Nixon's hand hits my chest. "Hell no. I still have to earn a paycheck at the end of the day. I have a mother and sister to support. This job helps me do it."
"Are you paying their bills?" Marsten asks.
Nixon shakes her head. "Not paying their bills, but I bought them a condo in a nicer part of town. It's almost paid off. My mother handles everything else. I don't mind doing it, since I can afford it. I tried to get them to move here, but they declined. My sister wants to be by her friends, and my mom says she likes where she is. I don't like seasons, so southern Cali is perfect for me."
"Perfect for us too," I tell her before pecking her forehead.
This trip has turned out perfect for us. Now we get to take a couple of days to enjoy the sights and sleep in.
My turn with Nixon will be next.
Chapter Seven
e checked out every sight we could within the extra two days we were in Paris. As long as they let me sleep, I was surprised we were able to see so much! Art museums, a boat ride, the Eiffel Tower again. We also found a lot of small eateries in a few back areas that were amazing!
I fell in love with a pair of Veja sneakers and Marsten insisted on buying them for me. They were too expensive for my taste, and I was going to leave them where they were on display. When I tried to decline, he countered with. "You've taken care of us for so long, let me do this one thing for you."
I relented.
Now we are back on the plane and Marsten becomes all business again as we take off. The only difference is his hand covering mine on the armrest. "What do we have going on next now that we're behind a couple of days. We have the Carver account to connect with-—"
"We are not behind. I made sure to work ahead because I was supposed to be off this week. Our meeting with them is the week after next. The Mark acquisition isn't until the week after that," I advise him. His lips are barely pouting so I give in. "But you can go ahead and go over it, if you like."
I glance up to approving looks from Drew and Haddon. This is something Marsten needs to feel up to date and I can give it to him. After the Attorney's confirmed receipt of the contracts with Smarmy, he didn't think about work for two whole days. A nice change for all of us. Although 2 days is enough to get a little rest, I'm still going to need some more. Hopefully, they will give in to me on this one.
Marsten hands out the paperwork for the file and goes over it while we interject our ideas or observations. When we have everything wrapped up, we order drinks and a snack.
"Do you remember the Spring Fundraiser Ball we were invited to?" Drew leans forward in his seat, his eyes on mine.
I nod. "I turned it down, remember. You didn't want to go."
"The chairman called me yesterday and requested we be there. They are honoring our charitable contributions. I didn't know we donated to charity." His eyes turn curious.
I smile. "Remember when you told me you needed a tax break? That's what I did with it. It gave the largest tax break other than a failing business which you don't have one of yet. Although, I think the Simmons acquisition might meet the qualifications, depending on how long it will take to turn them around."
"Okay. Well, we are going, and you are going with us. Use the company card to buy a dress. It's spring themed and they want the women to wear bright colored gowns and the men to wear bright colored ties," Drew orders lightly.
My brows lower. "What day is the event? My mother and sister are coming into town."
"Week after next. If they are here they can come too. It's supposed to be the event of the year. I don't know what that means, but every time a person has something, they say it." Haddon chuckles to himself.
"Okay. I'll find dresses for the three of us and we'll be there." I relax in my seat and Marsten leans over, kissing the side of my head.
I'm going to love this arrangement.
"Hey mom." I love talking to my mom. Warmth always fills her voice when she talks to me and my sister. I know she loves me, and she shows and tells me all the time.
Mom's voice comes over the line. "Hey baby. We can't wait to see you this week. Do you have to work still?"