Page 207 of Savage Bosses
The invitation was almost declined a second time, but we decided to show off Nixon and give her the credit she deserves. Upon speaking more to her, she set up a scholarship program that gives college scholarships to needy children. But she went a step farther with it. It provided them with every single thing they needed to get through college, along with a stipend, so some of them wouldn't have to work.
She deserves all the credit.
It costs a whole lot less than we thought it would, and the four people who used the scholarship and graduated with great opportunities, were there to present the award.
We make our way to the table we bought to attend this event. Luckily, we've only needed to fill six chairs, so with the group we have, it's accomplished.
My fingers have a firm grip around Nixon's smaller ones, and Marsten's hand is on her back. Leaning down, he whispers something in her ear, and she smiles.
It's glorious.
We're definitely going to have to do that more often.
Chapter Nine
uite a few people stop by our table as we get settled in. Mom and Sam are in awe of the sheer opulence of the event. To be honest, so am I.
The overpriced steak and lobster is served to everyone. I cut a slice of the steak and place it on my tongue.
It practically melts in my mouth and is perfectly seasoned. I take back my assessment. It's priced perfectly. Just that the money could have helped so many others.
Since they're giving an award to the guys, we didn't have to pay for the table, but others did. Maybe that's how they paid for this.
"Nixon has told us a little about you but not a whole lot. How old are you, Sam?" Drew asks between bites of food.
Sam looks up, smiling. "Seventeen. My birthday was last month."
"Did you do anything special?" Marsten takes a sip of his drink while giving her his attention.
She nods happily. "Mom and Nixon got me a hotel room for the night, and I invited a couple of my friends. We went to dinner, then the arcade, and swimming in the hotel pool. Then the next week, we went to see Rhianna. It was fun."
"It was just you and your friends in the hotel?" Drew asks.
Sam shakes her head quickly. "Mom was there the first night, and one of my friends' mom was there the second night. We did have supervision. Nixon promised me a big party for my eighteenth birthday. I can't wait."
"Sounds like a great time. How is school going?" Drew draws her attention to him.
As she explains, the guys give her their undivided attention. I eat and scan the room. There are quite a few people we've done business with since I've been with the company. My eyes land on the glaring ones of Smarmy. I frown, and his glare deepens.
I tap Haddon's leg. "What's up with him?" I point in the direction of Smarmy.
Haddon chuckles as he sees Smarmy's look. "As soon as our plane landed, he was let go and escorted out of the office by security. He's been blowing up our phones, but we've had his calls rerouted to the secretary. She's been earning her money keeping him at bay for us."
That's why I haven't heard from him. Good.
"Have you moved Jake stateside yet?" I lean into his fresh scent as I ask.
Haddon's fingers lace with mine. "He'll be here in a couple of weeks. We started the transition for him immediately. Jake was seen talking to Simmons after he was removed, so don't trust him with any information."
"Gotcha." I nod.
He gives me a gentle smile, and the emcee starts the speeches and presentations. We sit, listen, and clap where appropriate. Sam takes a few selfies of herself and all of us to put on social media. Then she plays with her phone.
Finally, he talks about the guys. "Our honorees tonight have made the biggest difference in the lives of young men and women. Not only do they provide scholarships, but they also do a few other things too. Let's get them up here to tell us about it. Come on up, Drew Yarrow, Haddon Ambrose, and Marsten McKenna with the May Corporation. Come on up, guys!"
The crowd applauds as the guys stand. I'm clapping too when Marsten reaches for my hand. "You're the one who started this. Come with us." Haddon helps him get me up from my seat as my butt seems to be glued to the chair.