Page 209 of Savage Bosses
In the limo on the way home, Marsten recaps what happened with Smarmy. "Simmons is going to be a problem. We'll go over a game plan tomorrow." His hand rubs my knee from one side as Haddon holds my hands from the other side. Drew sits across from us, relaxing, his eyes closed.
Just like me, he's probably wiped out, since we started our evening with some ahem, vigorous activity.
The next few days with Mom and Sam are fun. We do a lot of sightseeing and catching up. I get to see quite a few things in the area that I've never had time to visit.
At one point, Mom brings up the fact that I'm awfully cozy with all three of the guys. That's a fun conversation. It ends with her telling me to be careful, and that's the end of it.
I'm glad. Now back to work and regular life.
Chapter Ten
don't understand how they tell me they're going to make dinner for me tonight but send me to the store to get the ingredients. It makes no sense. If I'm not supposed to lift a finger, why am I running the errands?
I guess I'm lifting my legs and not my fingers at this point.
I'm so lost in thought I don't notice Jake coming alongside me. I jump when he speaks. "Hey, Nixon."
I blink and frown. "Hey Jake, what are you doing on this side of town?"
"On an errand for my boss. I saw you as I came around the corner and decided to speak. How're things going?" he asks casually.
I shrug. "The usual. How about you? Do you like working back in the States again?"
"Definitely, my family is thrilled I'm back, and I can hang out with my friends instead of speaking with them on the phone. The people I met in France were nice, but it wasn't home. Besides, I'm making a lot more money now," he gushes.
I give him a smile. "I'm glad. You all were grossly underpaid. You deserve a raise."
"What are they going to do with the remaining people in France? There's not a lot of them left." Jake steps around in front of me, stopping.
I stop, almost teetering over, it was so abrupt. "I don't know. They haven't told me their plans. I only get them when they're put in action. Why do you ask?"
"Some of my friends are still over there. I was wondering if they're going to lose their jobs." When I go to step around him, Jake blocks my way.
I sigh. "Jake, I have no control over any of that. I just do what they tell me when they tell me. Now, I have to get back to the office; our bosses are waiting for me."
I try to go around again, but he blocks me, and someone else comes up behind me. My eyes close, and my lips tighten when Smarmy touches my ass. "It's nice to see you again, Nixon. We have a few things to talk about."
"We have nothing to talk about. You have the money in your pocket for the business my bosses bought from you. There's nothing you can say that will change anything that's going to be done. It's over for you." I turn sideways, so my back isn't to either of them, and I eye Smarmy. "Touch me again, and you'll regret it."
Smarmy smirks. "That's what you think. Those men have been pimping you out for years. You think they care what happens to you? I've heard you've had sex with quite a few of them in exchange for them signing the contract. Why not me?"
"I didn't have sex with any of them, and even if I did, why would I want to have sex with you? Your decrepit dick is probably disease riddled. I don't want to catch anything from you. Besides, don't you have a wife at home? One who can take you to the cleaners if you're caught cheating?" Irritation laces my voice. I've lost all patience with these two. "Now let me leave or there will be a problem." I turn to Jake. "I hope this is worth what will happen to you."
Jake looks me up and down, sucking his teeth. "Let's just put it this way, Simmons made it worth my time. If I get fired, I'll never have to work again. As a matter of fact, I just might quit after we get what we need from you."
I look down, my lips tightening, then back up at the two of them. "There's nothing I can give you."
"You will after I show you what I have. You don't want these to get out, do you?" He shoves a stack of pictures in my free hand. "There's more where this came from. We even have a video."
Jake chimes in, "No wonder you didn't want to fuck me the next day; they did it instead after you kicked me out the night before. Who knew you were one of them." He sounds hurt.
I check out the pictures in my hand. Pictures of me in various positions with my men. Yes, they're my men. Drew, Haddon, and Marsten told me they were, so I can claim them. I lightly bite down on the inside of my jaw, drawing in a cleansing breath. "What do you want to know?"
"That's what I'm talking about. Come with us." Smarmy grabs my arm.
Snatching my arm back, I accidentally elbowed him in the chest. "What you want to know will be told right here. I'm not going anywhere with you all." I pick up the bag and slide the pictures inside. "Ask your questions now."