Page 215 of Savage Bosses
Marsten shakes his head, sending a threatening look as Drew urges me out of the chair and close to him. "Just put it this way, if you two come near Nixon or us again, your life will become a living hell." He steps up to Jake, who seems to visibly tremble. "If you didn't know already, you've been fired." He opens his mouth to say more but stops.
"Let's go," Haddon intercepts. As a group, we leave the restaurant. Luckily, there aren't a lot of people here. Although we've received a lot of attention, it isn't anyone who could do any real damage.
On the way out, Drew asks me. "Where did you get the idea for a tracker?"
"I read it in a book, then went out and bought one cause I thought it could come in handy." I wasn't scared of Jake and Smarmy, but it's nice to be away from them. Relief fills me at not having to see them again.
They bundle me in the car, Haddon in the backseat with me. "Our mothers said they snatched you."
"They didn't snatch me per se. Smarmy and Jake came up to me and said my time was up, and I needed to come with them. I dug in my purse and handed your moms the tracker and note and went with them. It was no big deal." Haddon holds me a little tighter as I speak. I take comfort in the fact they immediately came to get me. "Did you see that they took me to a restaurant? I thought they were going to take me someplace out of the way. And that contract, did you see it, Marsten?"
Marsten chuckles. "It's going to be hilarious if he tries to claim the building because that's all he's going to get. Operations have moved to the new building."
We spend the rest of the ride to the building in silence. Haddon holds me tight, and a calmness comes over the car.
It could have been so much worse.
Marsten settles himself between my legs. "How are you doing? I know we took you through all this, leaving you with a predatory ass again, and I'm sorry. We could have ended this the second you came to us with it, but we decided to play with the ass. How he built such a successful business is beyond me."
His lips touch mine, and I enjoy the feel of our connection.
When we get back to the office earlier, the mothers are a mess, blaming themselves for letting Smarmy and Jake take me. I spend a lot of time reassuring them that I'm fine and not in any real danger. When they finally leave, they're minimally convinced but less shaken.
Drew's father FaceTimes him and after an explanation, he chides them for treating me like that, laughed and disconnected.
They have spoken with the attorneys in Paris, and they'll be handling everything on that end.
Right now, it's just me and Marsten. In this nice, comfortable position. "I'm good. Just happy all this shit is over. Now we can get back to normal. Our new normal that is."
Drew and Haddon wanted to be with us tonight to make sure I'm okay. Marsten told them I'm just fine, and they aren't going to usurp his time. I laughed. It feels amazing to be so cared about.
His fingers trail down my side to my hip, adjusting me under him, his lips deepening our kiss. His tongue slides inside my mouth at the same time his cock slides inside me. Marsten's mouth mimics sliding in and out of my mouth the same way he's filling me.
Marsten leisurely fucks me, his hips meeting mine and stopping before pulling back each time. My hands go to his ass, urging him to go faster. I squeeze around him, and he jerks, changing his pace, but not a lot.
The buildup is slow and by degree, my core tightens. My hands skim up his back, massaging, and back down. My hips push into his harder.
He speeds up, filling me faster and faster until we frantically take what we need from each other. He lifts over me, moving forward, and his cock strokes my clit, taking me over the edge. I moan deeply as our hips meet a few more times, before he groans, pushing into me as far as he can and holding himself there. The pulse of his dick inside me causes another orgasm on my part.
Marsten falls on top of me, trying to hold his weight off me. His lips touch mine lightly before pulling back. "I love you."
A large, dreamy smile comes across my face. "I love you too." I love all of them, but this time is for Marsten only. The others will find out in time.
He moves to the side, holding me close. "Get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.
And that's what I do.
ur wife.
I gaze at Nixon as she directs the movers to place the dining room table we ordered in well, the dining room.