Page 231 of Savage Bosses
I knew she would dick me over by changing once the weekend was over, but I hadn't expected her fine ass to become Judy-Lynn, my shy but capable project manager.
She was my employee, and while I could admit she was…attractive, I should have had no idea that she hid great legs and a fabulous rack under frumpy business casual.
Stop it, Ryu.
Even worse, the lust didn't end knowing who she was. Instead, my first traitorous thought was that I should take her in my office because the conference room walls were transparent.
Why did she have to work for me?
I ran my hands through my hair and glared at the business card. What I wouldn't give to incinerate the offending piece of paper and erase the memory of seeing it. I'd rather lust in ignorance than see her and not touch her.
My front door opened. Jason, the last member of our trio, let himself into my house.
Teddy must have called him. Great.
“Wellness check.” He held his hands up in placation. “Teddy told me you were holed up here. That's not like you, man.”
“He wasn't willing to do the dirty work himself, or were you so curious that you couldn't resist?”
“Both,” Jason smirked, then hopped in the seat opposite of me. “Why are we staring at a business card?”
He plucked the offending card from its place on my coffee table. My world slowed as he read it. Now the judgment and panic would set in.
Well, he could stuff it. I would clean up my messes.
“Isn't this the new Amber project manager?” He watched me for a second, then frowned. “Don't tell me Allen Aroma is going to grab another of our people.”
One more reason for me to keep my hands off her. “Not from what I could tell. I found that this weekend at Martinicon.”
He furrowed his brow at my words.
I didn’t say anything else. I'd own what I did. I was Ryu Tsuki after all. I made moves, and everyone followed me. I was a dragon, the luckiest of all beasts.
Jason spun the card in his hand thoughtfully as his brown eyes focused on me. “So either she's trying to scout at the same book con that you were attending for pleasure or— Where did you find this?”
“The nightstand of my suite. She left it while I was in the shower.”
Jason arched his eyebrow. His mouth worked for a second, then he nodded. “Are we going to be sued?”
I shook my head. “We never took off our masks, but now I have to put the weekend out of my mind anytime I see her.”
Jason leaned forward with a knowing smirk. “And that creepy growl you made tells me that Judy-Lynn was fabulous in the sack. How were you not suspicious of a name like that? There can't be that many—“
“Don't make it sound like she tricked me. We were both in cosplay, and she used a different name, Jaelle. There was no way either would recognize each other.”
Jason rolled his eyes. “Her initials. Really?”
“She spelled it J-A-E-L-L-E. And damn it. I didn't pick up on that being her initials.” I jumped up and paced.
“My bad. Calm down, man.” Jason held up his hands. “She doesn't know about your closet cosplay life.”
I shot him a look. He was an ass, but he was right. I knew that. Her knowing my secret was not the problem. Keeping it was. Jaelle was right there, beckoning me to give into temptation.
“Ordoesshe know?” Jason stood. He pulled out his phone. “Do I need to call Jones?”
There was no need for cleanup. At least not as long as I could pull it together. “No, she doesn't know who I am.”
He let out a breath and then sat back down. “Then what's the problem?”