Page 244 of Savage Bosses
“You're not going to even try the dango?”
He quirked an eyebrow. “You don't need to try so hard, Judy-Lynn. I applaud you for bringing a Japanese snack, but dango is an evening or afternoon snack.”
I wanted to smack him and myself. Me for not realizing how racist that came across, and him for assuming that it was a microaggression. I'd throw out an olive branch. “I'm a big tea drinker though I occasionally splurge on hot chocolate. I noticed you drinking tea at meetings and figured you were the same. As for the dango, it's my Wednesday morning treat, but if you don't want it—“
I reached for the tray when he slid it out of my grasp.
“Thank you.” He placed the container closer to him.
“You're welcome, and the Cafebucks dangoispretty good, though Sakura Blossom is the best.” Food was always a safe subject. Ninety percent of ceremonies revolved around eating. I'd find out where he liked to eat, then maybe show up there. We might even run into each other.
“For Hampton Roads, yes. You should try the Jade Garden in San Francisco.” He took a sip of tea.
Right. Tech famous rich guy. He probably thought my Cafebucks treat was low class.
Then again, he lived in Virginia Beach. Our area, Hampton Roads, was an amalgamation of urban, rural, and suburb all wrapped together in a seven-city metropolis. We had several famous people who lived quietish lives here.
“I will have to keep that in mind if I'm ever in the area.” There. The social part of the plan was done. It was time to slide into work. I didn't want to do too much too fast. “On today's agenda, the mockups for Robot will be complete by the end of the week and ready for sign-off—”
I slid into my most comfortable persona, but I didn't forget how his eyes flared or the once-over he gave me that went on for longer than was proper.
Perhaps, everyone was right.
he woman plotted to drive me crazy. Every morning we met promptly at six am in my office. She was always on time, which I appreciated. My time was precious. I hated it when people wasted it. Money, I could replace. My time was another story.
I had hoped to awaken her dull side so I could go back to not lusting after her, but each morning, she sat with her long legs crossed in those “Do me” heels or some flats in a flattering leg outfit—no boring Judy-Lynn.
All that happened was it got easier to talk to her—to like her.Granted, we mainly spoke about places we wanted to eat while we enjoyed a morning beverage, green tea at first until I told her about Bengal Spice. Watching her drink with her legs crossed or eat some type of phallic pastry was maddening. It would be a while before I could look at an eclair without thinking about reachinghercreamy center.
“What's wrong, too sweet?” She finished the last of her pastry. “You mentioned that you had a sweet tooth too, but I guess every day for two weeks is a bit much.”
My opening to end the torture. “I'm always ready to eat.”
The sexy little oh she made with her mouth told me she caught my double entendre. It was as close as I could get to telling her I wanted her. She wore the brown heels again. The ones I wanted her wearing when I finally lost all sense and took her on the edge of my desk.
The edge of my lust sharpened despite Teddy's warning, company policy, and his glares. Too bad I couldn't use it to slice through the sexual tension. I could use a breath where I wasn't trying to calm myself from pouncing her.
And it didn't help when it seemed like she was sizing me up for her bed. One moment her body appeared to arch toward me as though she wanted me to take the lead. The next, we were firm in the progress of the app.
The mockups were done, approved, and I still wanted to slide between her legs with the eagerness of a man who found his way to the oasis.
Then suddenly the cool softness of her hand was on my head, and I thought I'd ruin my pants.
What the hell?
“Well, you don't have a fever.” She pulled her palm from my forehead. “You're probably working too hard. I don't envy a CEO. Especially in technology.”
I gripped the upholstered arms of my chair for dear life. It was the only way to survive. Otherwise, she was going in my lap where she belonged,and Iwould be inside her, where I belonged.
Finally, she moved away from me, not far but enough that the spicy, sugary scent that I had begun to associate with her wasn't distracting me. “I'm fine.”