Page 251 of Savage Bosses
he drive-thru speaker at Cafebucks had to break on the day after my date of all days. It was like the universe conspired against me. Ryu and I had a great time. It got awkward, but then it ended on a good note. Being late for my meeting with him would make it weird. He might think that I changed my mind or—I don’t know. Going out with him made me crazy. I didn’t expect to like him so much.
The sexual tension between us was too thick to dissipate with simple safe conversation. I was a hair away from jumping him in his car when he parked in my drive away. The golden eyed look he gave me when we arrived. I just couldn’t. I ran out of there like an animal released from a trap. It could have all been in my head because he was good at the seduction game, but I really liked him.
And it would have been messed up if Ryu had given me the “I just want sex” look.
He very much wanted sex. The dango in his pants was evident, but I could tell that he liked me back. Bad news, my being late probably appeared that I was avoiding him.
And I can definitely identify with that.
I shifted my weight to my other foot while waiting for my order as the baristas worked at max speed. The coffee shop was packed to the brim, and the three Cafebucks employees wore stern expressions of stress as they made order after order for the endless crowd.
I'd feel for them if I wasn't one of the million people inconvenienced by the technology failure. My order was simple. I just wanted one green tea with a bit of honey and a bengal spice. I had my scones already. Thank God that didn't require making anything.
“JL, your order is up. Ellen, your order is up,” one of the baristas called.
About time.
I stepped up to the order cabinet at the same time another grabbed their drink. There was no time to dawdle. It was after six. I didn't want Ryu to think things were weird between us for any longer than necessary, or that I was taking advantage. Our relationship was separate. I could be professional.
“You're up early. Did Ryu give you a break from your bed duties?”
Excuse me?
I glared in the direction of a soon-to-be victim. The previous project manager stood before me with coffee and the standard mean-girl mug. The flare of her eyes as she waited for my response—the way she spoiled for a fight, stole my ire.
And the best she could come up with was that I slept my way into the position, not that I showed her incompetence while trying to salvage a disaster, and I earned the promotion.
Ad hominem was for wack losers with no creativity or drive. She wasn't worth my time. I defeated her already.
“Out of my way, hater.” I stepped around her.
The sooner I was out of there, the less likely I would end up choking her under the guise of defending my name. Getting an assault charge after an insult was one thing. Marcus could get me out of that, and Chantel could get me any wages lost if necessary. Fighting a co-worker was one complication too many in my life. I wanted to finish the Amber project.
She grabbed my arm. “I'm not done talking to you.”
I glanced down at the former project manager’s hand on my shoulder, prayed for strength, then put all my annoyance into my face as I spoke loudly, “Ma'am, take your hand off me and walk away before I involve the authorities.”
A few people nearby turned their attention to us.
She reddened but removed her hand. “There's no need to be aggressive. I just wanted to talk to you.”
Then the waterworks began.
I rolled my eyes as someone patted her shoulder, and another sympathizer glared at me.
“Uh-huh. No, you do not get to weaponize your tears against this woman.” A brunette from my left stepped before me with her chastising index finger held out. “I saw the whole thing. You grabbed this woman and then played the victim.”
The sympathizers evaporated, leaving my attacker sputtering. “Well, I—“
I didn't care what crazy explanation was about to come next. Time was getting away from me, and I wasn't interested in more theatrics. However, I was grateful for my ally stepping up. “Thank you for stepping up, ma’am. Have a fabulous day. “
The brunette nodded to me but kept her glare on my would-be attacker. “You too.”
I shot the hater a triumphant look, then I left for the office.