Page 263 of Savage Bosses
Applause erupted in the room as I took center stage. The moderator for the Q and A portion, a smiling brunette in a pink suit, shook my hand. She gestured to the podium and then stepped away.
“Hello, romance lovers,” I read on the prompter. “I know you want to get to the unveiling, so you can get excited and ask questions.”
Someone cat-called while a few chuckled.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” The video trailer began on the extended screen behind me. “Dragon Moon is proud to show you Amber, the latest in dating technology that has all the stages of your dating life in mind.”
While the video played, I stepped aside to watch the crowd's reaction. The standard responses were there, but there were several smiles too. I made a mental note.
Near the end, one of the doors opened. The room was nearly full, and more still wanted to join our—
Judy-Lynn, snagged my attention as she waved quickly, then sat in the back.
The trailer ending snapped me back to reality. I returned to the podium.
“Amber started as three friends brainstorming—,” the teleprompter urged me to say. I hit the pause control on the prompter. “I created the app to help others find love, not knowing I would find love myself. I hid my identity from her because I was stuck in the past, thinking that no woman who seemed to match me was being authentic, and I lost her. Then I was granted a second chance through the craziest of circumstances.”
Some people cheered, but my eyes were on Judy-Lynn.
“It was even better the second time. I got to know her as myself. This time, she was even more of a match, but I knew the truth would come between us. Then one day, it did… in the most brutal way possible.”
I grabbed the travel mic, flipped it on, then left the stage. All eyes were on me as I walked to the center aisle and down it toward my woman. “When she walked away from me, I should have put my last bid in—”
I held out my hand once I reached her. “—with consent, of course. No means no. So now that I have been given a third chance, all cards on the table.”
Several squeals peeled through the audience.
“I am Dr—“
She jumped up and kissed me. The room erupted in applause and cheers.
When she pulled away, she pressed a finger to my lips. Speaking into the mic, “I love you too, now get back to work, and we'll talk later.”
She gave me a gentle push forward with a wink.
I did as she asked. The rest of the presentation was a blur. It must have made sense because the room applauded when I exited. I texted Judy-Lynn the moment I was offstage to meet me in the green room.
“That was epic,” the moderator gushed as she joined behind the stage. “Was that real?”
Real life was infinitely more strange than fiction. “Yes. Would you have someone bring her back so we can talk?”
She grinned. “Absolutely. We won't need this green room for the rest of the evening. You were the last presenter of the day. Talk as much as you want.”
Her meaning wasn't lost on me. My lust was not her business. I gave her a noncommittal “Thank you,” for Judy-Lynn’s sake.
Then I left for the green room. Judy-Lynn and I needed to finalize some things before I took her against the wall. She worethemini-dress and heels. Her appearance deserved a response.
I paced the gray and tan microfiber carpet a few times. When she arrived, I wasted no time gathering her into my arms, but before I could kiss her, there was a polite cough at the door.
“Sorry to interrupt. I will make this quick,” Dani Bond said. “Great talk, and congratulations on finding each other, Martini Cups. You two inspiredDeceive Me, by the way. I just didn't know how on the nose I was. Be sure to DM me your address so I can send you a signed copy. I'll see myself out.”
Then she locked the door from the inside and shut the door behind her.
“That was—“ Judy-Lynn trailed off in shock. She thumped me on the shoulder.
“Yeah.” She wasn't the only one floored. “She called us Martini Cups.”
Judy-Lynn nodded. “She wrote about us—how did—?”