Page 271 of Savage Bosses
My body trembles, jerks, and grinds, seeking orgasmic bliss. Sterling's dick pulses inside me, and he doesn't relent on his pounding. “Look at me while you replenish my cock with your sweet juices.”
My eyes stay on him, and my mouth opens in a gasp as I convulse beneath him. But just before he cums, he pulls out and splatters his seed all over my belly.
Damn! What was I thinking? We didn't use a condom;are the last words I think about before giving myself over to the alcoholic buzz and pure orgasmic exhaustion.
open my eyes before slamming them shut again. I lift a heavy hand to my pounding head and rub my temples before daring to blink my lids and lift them open again. The unfamiliar white ceiling greets me. Where the hell am I? Oh, yeah.
Snatches of the previous night flood my mind, clearing the fog where I am and who I'm with. Blue eyes, big cock, Sterling. I look to the other side of the bed. My chest tightens at the sight of rumpled blankets with no one underneath them. I was alone. The son of a bitch up and left me without a word. I mash my hands against my cheeks…
Shit!I exhale, get out of bed, and prepare to get dressed in the early hours of a Saturday morning. I pick up my handbag when I notice a blue colored notepad on the bedside table. It’s a note from Sterling. My eyes glance over his exceptional flowing penmanship.
I clench my teeth. Sterling's handwriting disappears as I crumple the paper in my hand and stare at the wall. He just left, like that? The hottest man I have ever met left without waking me. We could have at least had a morning quickie before he bolted.
I lay on the pillows, inhaling and exhaling until my nerves settled. Who am I kidding? No way am I ready to do anything with anyone beyond a night of hot sex. It’s better he left. I throw the blankets back and swing my legs over the side of the bed, dropping the ball of paper in the trash, Sterling's number and all. I have too much to think through and too many life changes to get involved with another man.
With Sterling gone, I take the chance to shower, washing away the remnants of the best sex I ever had from my body, but not my mind. I dress and put on my shoes before leaving the hotel room.
buzzing noise jerks me out of my sleep. It takes me a moment to orient myself. I grin when I feel the soft body wrap around me like twine. My cock instantaneously hardens. I want to repeat the activities of last night all over again.
The noise stops but instantly begins buzzing again.
I glance around the room and see the digital clock. It's 2:45 in the a.m. The moon gleams through the open draperies, allowing me to see where the buzzing noise is coming from.
Damn, I placed my cell phone in my pants pockets when I took them off earlier tonight. The device buzzes repeatedly, putting an end to thought of drifting back off into a peaceful sleep with Ayana in my arms.
I unwrap myself from her warm body and bend to pick up my slacks on the floor beside the bed. I see it's my Tech guy Oscar calling. I walk into the bathroom after scooping up my clothing that litters the floor. I flip on the light switch, closing the door softly behind me.
"This better be important," I say.
"I'm sorry, Sterling. I came in to do overnight maintenance on the hardware and decided to run a few checks on the management programs we oversee. I detected a security threat in Power Corp’s program. You know I wouldn’t bother you for technical issues, but I'm calling per your request to let you know if anything happens with this account. How do you want me to proceed?”
My first instinct is to tell him to handle the issue like he always does, but after asking a few questions and finding out the problem is bigger than Oscar and his team can handle, I know I have to go in to do immediate disaster control.
“Trust me. I wouldn’t have bothered you with this if I thought we could handle it. The malware that has gotten into this program could cause a breach in millions of people’s personal data,” Oscar says what’s already going through my mind.
"Fuck. Give me twenty, and I will be at the headquarters. Don't do anything without me. Power Corp is my baby, and I don't want any more fuckups." I end the call and hurriedly get dressed.
I call down to the receptionist desk to have a cab meet me out front. Since it's so late, I avoid bothering my driver. There’s no use in both of our nights being ruined.
I stroll over to the bed and nudge Ayana. If she hadn’t left such an impression on me last night, I wouldn’t think twice about leaving, but I want to tell her goodbye. More than that, I want to kiss her one more time.
She mumbles something unintelligible in her sleep and rolls over causing me to smile. Truthfully, I don’t know how I can smile at a time like this, but she's too adorable.
Deciding not to wake Ayana, I place a kiss on her head and pat my pant pockets for a business card, only to be disappointed when I don't have one. I came out to the club with the intention to kick back and relax, not to network. I take the pen off the night table and scribble a note on the notepad beside it.
Sweetheart, I'm sorry I must leave. An emergency arose, something that can’t be avoided. Call me at 555-555-5555. Last night was the best night I have had in a long while.