Page 28 of Savage Bosses
hen I hit her.” Nico’s eyes widen at my admission.
We are sitting on the floor in his massive living room eating the best steak and twice baked potato I’ve ever had. We’re seated on the same side of the coffee table, facing each other. Alexa’s playing soft music in the background. It’s a vibe.
“We both had to talk to HR about the situation, but it was worth it,” I go on to say stretching out my hand.
He shakes his head laughing. “I’m glad everything with HR worked out. But what made you hit her?”
Instead of replying right away, I take a sip of my wine. “Not only did she call me a whore, which I was not going to let fly, but she also tried to make you out to be some sleezy businessman. It’s not fair that your kindness is being misconstrued into something it isn’t. You don’t deserve that.” I finish the rest of my wine and place the empty glass on the coffee table. Nico immediately refills it.
“So, you kicked your boss’ ass for me.” He grins, taking a sip of his beer. “I think I like that.”
Chuckling, I push my braids over my shoulder. “After all you’ve done for me, the least I can do is not allow anyone to disrespect you.”
He’s quiet for a moment, taking another sip of his drink. Those pensive eyes never leave my face. He places his beer bottle on the coffee table in front of us.
“You know you don’t have to pay me back for anything I’ve done for you, right?”
Ducking my head to avoid his gaze, I nod. “I know. You’ve told me this before, but I still feel as if I’m in your debt.”
“Look at me, Tiffany.”
The demand in his tone has my eyes snapping toward him.
“You pay your debt to me everyday you remain safe and out of that psycho Saint’s hands.”
Can someone be too perfect? This man is something special. His genuine concern for me is what has me fantasizing about that kiss we shared the night we were attacked. Being in Nico’s presence is what I imagine an electric current going through wires feel like. My body hums with energy when he’s around. And no matter where he is in the room, I can sense him.
“Can I ask you a personal question?”
He picks up his beer bottle and takes a sip before giving me his undivided attention. “Ask away.”
“Why aren’t you married?” His eyes widen before he runs a hand down his face.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m not mad he’s single. However, this man is fine, funny, caring, protective, and rich. He is like a rare breed in today’s world. Why hasn’t a woman dug her claws in him yet.
“Honestly,” he says looking off to his side before turning back to me. “I wasn’t ready. Since I was twelve years old, I’ve had two goals; to be successful and to get back everything that was taken from my parents.”
“Obviously you’ve accomplished the successful part, but what about your parents’ stuff?”
He tilts his head slightly and that glimpse of darkness fills his eyes. It reminds me of the night we were attacked in his home. “I’m not done yet.”
Just as fast as the look appeared it’s gone again. It disappeared so quickly that I’m starting to question if I’m making it up in my head.
“Anyway,” he goes on to say. “I knew that when I met the right person, I would know immediately.”
I let his words sit with me for a moment. How could someone be sure they’d found the one for them. I spent nine years with a man that turned out to be the wrong person.
“What about you?” he asks, bringing me out of my thoughts. “Why weren’t you and Marcus married?”
Taking another sip of my wine, I roll my eyes. “At first, he wanted to wait until he got drafted. I was okay with it because we were so young. Then, after he got drafted, he said he wanted to wait until he won his first ring. That one kind of threw me for a loop, but I remained the understanding girlfriend.” Placing my wine glass down, I sit up a little straighter. “After the car accident, he never mentioned marriage again. All he cared about was getting back in the NBA. I was so focused on his healing that I never brought it up again. Even though in the time that he’d been out the league, my best friend had met someone and gotten married. It only took her husband a year to realize he wanted to marry her.”
“That must’ve been hard,” Nico says sliding closer to me. “Being happy for your friend but also hurting for yourself.”
For the first time, I can admit my feelings out loud without sounding jealous. “Yeah, it was. I helped Mira plan her wedding all the while trying to figure out what the hell was wrong with me.”
Nico’s warm hand on my thigh sends my body into a tailspin of emotions. He uses a finger under my chin to redirect my attention from his hand to his face.