Page 282 of Savage Bosses
I clear my throat, and the woman’s head swivels in my direction. She is beautiful with slanted cat-like eyes, and her lips are full, painted a dark red, the same color as the body-hugging red dress she is wearing. The color looks alluring against her pale skin.
I wonder if I have walked into something more than a professional meeting. A feeling of unhappiness courses through me at the thought. They really did make a beautiful pair.
Sterling faces me again, then raises a palm toward the woman. I notice a cocky smirk against his lips before he speaks. “Ayana, this is Lux Denning, my new assistant. She’ll be helping you with the tasks at hand.”
“Ahh,” I manage.
“Just leave the files on the desk. I’m taking Lux to a late lunch at Chez Phillipe.”
A feeling of loss and confusion tears through me. I have never been to Chez Phillipe, one of the most expensive restaurants in Memphis, but I had heard rave reviews.Why is he taking a new hire to Chez Phillipe? More importantly, why did he hire a new assistant when he has me?Anger and resentment make their way through my frame. I storm over to the desk and slam the files down.
“Nice to meet you, Lux,” I force a professional smile to my lips.
“It’s lovely to meet you, Ayana. Maybe we can talk more later.” Lux’s smile grows more prominent, and I feel almost terrible for the mixed emotions warring inside me. Lux’s catlike eyes meet mine. Her smile is friendly, and I feel bad for wanting to dislike her without knowing anything about her.
“I would like that and maybe we can grab lunch sometime soon.”
“Aww, thanks, I will like that very much,” Lux replies.
“Ahem,” Sterling makes a noise clearing his throat. My eyes meet his and he gazes from Lux to me before saying, “that will be all, Ayana. Have a good evening if I don’t see you when we return. I expect this lunch to run—long.”
I smile inwardly when I notice the cocky smirk he previously portrayed slides from his lips as he takes Lux by the elbow and starts to steer her toward the door.
I watch as they stroll past me.
I think I’m going to be sick again.
I slap a hand across my mouth and rush to Sterling’s ensuite bathroom just in time.
Later that evening, Shayla and I meet for dinner at Kountry Cookin’ Soul Food Restaurant, not too far from her apartment.
“I hate my boss. He makes me so furious.” I stab at the mashed potatoes on my plate.
“Damn, Yana.” She puts down a fork with a big, steaming piece of yam on the end. “You need a drink and an outlet.”
“I do really need to vent. I don’t know what to do otherwise if I don’t let it all out.”
“You have to figure something out before you end up eating a pound of ice cream every night.”
“I know. I don’t want to do that.” I ponder my options. “I could exercise, but let’s get real. When was the last time I used my gym membership?”
Shayla’s eyes widen. “You’re not the only one. I need to get back in the gym too, girl.”
“I could meditate, but I know I lack patience for sitting still.”
“You remember Tara, my cousin, right?”
“Yeah, I remember her, but what does she have to do with what I’m talking about?”
Shayla pushes my glass of tea closer to me. “Here, honey, take a drink of your tea and chill.”
I reach for the glass and take a refreshing sip, curious about what my friend has to say.
“Anyway, Tara told me how her boss has been treating her. She says he favors the male employees over most of the women in the company, including her. And these women have more experience and a higher degree in their field than the men.”
I nod and frown. “That’s terrible and chauvinistic behavior.
“I agree. You and Tara are in similar situations. You both hate your bosses, even though it may be for different reasons. You should connect with her and share bad boss stories,” Shayla laughs, but something clicks for me.