Page 291 of Savage Bosses
Wreck Me
Shani Greene-Dowdell
wooping in, turning a profit, and leaving is what I do.And now, I'm officially the owner of Iconic Technologies. Prior CEO Jaqueline Lewis is taking me on a walkthrough to meet my new employees. A selling point for this acquisition is the team’s knowledge and ability to meet my goals. Once that happens, I'm out of here, moving on to take over another company.
"Are you comfortable with the Icon-X-tech software?" Jaqueline asks. Her voice is filled with palpable enthusiasm. We have been working behind closed doors, but today is her last day in the building. Her retirement begins after she shows me around and introduces me to the team.
I nod, letting her know I'm comfortable with the planning software. "Everything looks similar to Epic's system, so I'm familiar with the project management and development board." Epic was my latest conquest before acquiring Iconic.
"Great. If you have any questions, Grace, Tahani, Ava, Mason, or Braedon can answer them. They're the bread and butter of Iconic. You have brilliant ideas for growth but treat them well, and all of your goals for this company will fall into place.” She tilts her head toward the door. “Now, come. Let's go meet your new team."
Jaqueline leads me to the office next door, where I speak to Grace. I’m acquainted with the team leader because we met last week and discussed the company’s new direction.
Next, we go to Ava's office. She stands behind a state-of-the-art computer, working on graphics. The graphic designer is focused on the task in front of her, and there's nothing better than a team member getting the job done. Our introduction is brief to allow her to stay in her creative zone.
The next office we stop by is Tahani's. This room is brighter with livelier decorations than the other two. A prominent purple vase filled with faux lilacs sits on the corner of the desk, but there is no Tahani.
"She’s not at her desk, so let’s move on to meet Mason. He’s a joy to work with.” Jaqueline strolls down the hall, peeks inside an office near the waiting room, and calls, “Mason?”
A tall, white man in his late thirties unfolds from his chair and hastily approaches Jaqueline. He takes her hand into his and smiles. “I wasn’t expecting you this morning but hoped you’d stop by today. How are you, Jaqueline?”
“I’m fine, Mason. Thanks for asking. How are you?”
“Doing great now that I have one more chance to see you before you leave us.”
Jaqueline’s smile widens. “Aw, thank you. It’s good to see you too.”
“How is the husband?” Mason asks.
Jaqueline exudes adoration as she responds, “He’s well. I’ll tell him you asked about him.”
“Good, good,” Mason says, still holding Jaqueline’s hand. It’s a respectful grip, but he handles her as if she’s a dear old friend, not his boss. “Do you know how much you will be missed?” he asks.
I quietly observe their interaction. It doesn’t take long to realize he’s a kiss-up.
“You’re too kind. I will truly miss your charm, Mason.” Jaqueline retrieves her hand from Mason and runs it through her graying hair. “I want to introduce you to the new CEO, Mr. Gates. He’s eager to take Iconic to the next level.”
“That’s right,” I speak up. “I’ve heard great things about everyone, and my team is ready to jump in and pick up on the great work you’ve already been doing.”
That last line is tactical. I use it every time I take over a new company. Unless it’s a hostile takeover where everyone must go, I never walk in and make the team feel inadequate. I always make them feel valued. If a healthy dose of encouragement doesn’t work, the next step for any slackers is a pink slip out the door.
Mason gives Jaqueline a final look before turning his attention to me. He extends a hand for a shake. “I’ll miss Jaqueline dearly, but I also look forward to the places Iconic will go with new leadership.”
“Good. You’ll receive an email this evening about our first team meeting.” I remove my hand from his as he’s still shaking it. Soon, he will realize I’m not nearly as easy to charm as Jaqueline.
Jaqueline walks across the hall to speak to a younger black man, who I assume is Braedon. I follow her but stop when a remarkable sight catches my eye.
Braedon comes to his door and starts talking. I acknowledge him with a nod, then my eyes dart back to the woman leaning over the front desk. She is a sight to behold, from her black heels to the most perfectly rounded ass inside a green skirt I have ever seen.