Page 299 of Savage Bosses
’m exhausted by the time eight p.m. rolls around.I email Ava to let her know all of her designs look great, and I don’t have any changes to suggest. She replies, thanking me and telling me she’ll look at it in the morning when she returns to work. She’s obviously checking her email from home since Mr. Gates had mercy on her and let her go at seven p.m. to take care of her kids. After the fallout of Contessa leaving, I guess he didn’t want to lose another employee, especially one as good as Ava.
I text Contessa to see if she and Mr. Gates have patched things up. She responds, letting me know he still hasn’t reached out to her and wishing me well working with ‘the boss-hole.’ I chuckle as I check the time. It’s 8:15 p.m. I will ask him about calling her again tomorrow. For now, I can only think of getting to my bed.
I let out an exhausted yawn and reach into my drawer to get my purse. I turn off my PC and head to my car.
“Are you leaving so soon?” Mason asks, startling me.
I pause and look into his office. “Mason? I didn’t realize you were still here.”
“Just burning some late night oil. You know, we have a tight schedule,” he replies.
“I’m leaving, but I’ll be back bright and early in the morning,” I tell him as I pass his office.
“Of course. See you then,” he calls after me.
The rest of the building is quiet as I approach the elevators. I descend to the first floor, not even remembering the ride down. I walk cautiously to my car, and once inside, I drive to the exit on autopilot. I don’t pay attention to much as I think about showering and sliding underneath my covers for rest. Sitting at the traffic light and moving when the light turns green is all a blur when a car crashes into mine.
Seconds later, I stumble from the wreckage. Glass crunches under my feet, and the pungent smell of gasoline stings my nose. My head throbs. I blink against the harsh car lights coming in my direction. Trying to make sense of the chaotic scene, I look at my vehicle.
The front end of my car is crumpled like a soda can. Steam hisses from under the bent hood. I don't remember the actual impact. Just the sickening spin of the car as it veered out of control.
I turn at the sound of a man’s voice. Mr. Gates is already out of his car, hurrying toward me. His face is flushed, eyes wide.
"Are you okay?" He grips my shoulders, gaze raking over me for injuries.
I nod shakily. "I think so."
His hands tremble against my skin. His usual cocky confidence is gone. For once, the suave billionaire looks as shaken as I feel.
We stand in silence for a moment. I replay those terrifying seconds in my mind. The blare of horns, squeal of brakes, helpless feeling as the car refuses to respond.
"I'm sorry, Tahani. I don’t know where my mind went," he acknowledges, his voice heavy with guilt. “I was speeding into the parking lot after coming back from a late meeting and crashed into you. My mind was somewhere else.”
I shake my head, still feeling a little dazed. "I probably wasn't paying attention either."
He frowns at me. "Don't try to take the blame for this. I’m at fault for this accident and will pay for the damages. Just glad you’re okay."
I look up at him, struck by how different he seems in this vulnerable state. The usual smoothness is gone from his voice, replaced by something raw and real. My heart swells with an emotion I can't quite name.
"Thank you, Mr. Gates," I say softly, reaching out to touch his arm and nodding to accept his apology.
His eyes meet mine, and time seems to slow for a moment. “Archer. Call me Archer.”
“Okay, Archer.” His name rolls off my tongue like hot butter.
His smile brightens, and it’s like we're two teenagers discovering each other for the first time while standing in the middle of a wrecked highway.
Though I feel a strong connection to him, I have to keep reminding myself Archer is my ruthless boss that takes over companies, turns a profit, and moves on to the next company. He’s not a novice at meeting and greeting new female employees and moving on. I can’t think this is more than what it is.
“You said your mind was somewhere else while you were driving. That means you need to get some rest. The long hours we’ve been working are catching up to you,” I suggest.
His hand comes up to cup my cheek, and his thumb traces soothing circles on my skin. "I'm just glad you're okay," he whispers, leaning in closer. His breath is warm against my lips, sending shivers down my spine. “I don’t know what I would have done if anything happened to you.”
As confusion and adrenaline battle for dominance inside my soul, I become keenly aware of our closeness, the pounding in my chest, and the shakiness in my limbs. Archer's hands are still on my shoulders, steadying me. His touch stirs a confusing swirl of emotions. Gratitude for his concern, relief we've escaped the wreck unharmed. But there's something more. A new awareness of what his nearness means.
Archer clears his throat, dropping his hands awkwardly. "I should call a tow truck."