Page 313 of Savage Bosses
"Everything alright, Tahani?" came a voice from the door. Archer’s warm brown eyes fill with concern as they meet mine.
"Archer," I stammer attempting a reassuring smile. "Just some unexpected issues with Zeenith."
"Zeenith is done. What have you found?" He asks, sounding concerned.
"I thought so too. It’s minor glitches that I have under control." I don't want him involved, at least not until I can figure out what’s going on.
"Alright," he says, reading the determination in my eyes. "But if you ever need anything, don't hesitate to ask."
"Of course," I reply, grateful for his support.
As Archer walks away, I sit there, lost in thought. Who could've made these changes? Why would they do this? My confusion spirals into frustration, and I clench my fists, fighting back tears of anger.
At eight, I make furious steps to Mason’s desk. "Hey, Mason." I work to keep my voice steady and professional. "Do you have a second?"
He looks up from his computer, his eyes meeting mine with an expression of mild curiosity. "Of course, Tahani. What's up?"
I steel myself for the conversation ahead. "I've been noticing some... discrepancies in Zeenith lately. Strange changes that I can't quite put my finger on. And I wanted to ask you if you've experienced anything similar." I explain the changes to him in detail.
Mason furrows his brow. "That's odd. No, I haven't noticed anything like that. But I'm happy to help you figure out what's going on."
I stare at him accusingly. "Really? Because I've been racking my brain, trying to find any explanation for this, and I just don't understand why someone would have tampered with it after it was finalized and approved.”
"Tampered?" Mason's eyes widen in mock surprise. "You think someone's purposely sabotaging your work?"
"It's the only explanation that makes sense."
Mason leans back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest. "Tahani, I can assure you that I would never do anything to undermine your project. We're all part of the same team here at Iconic, and I believe that our success comes from working together, not tearing each other down."
I raise a brow. "Are you sure? Is there anyone else who might have a reason to do this?"
"Look, Tahani," Mason says, his voice taking on a soothing tone. "I understand that you're upset and frustrated, but I really think you're jumping to conclusions here. Maybe it's just a glitch in the system or a simple oversight on your part."
"An oversight?" My hands clench into fists at my sides, fury bubbling beneath the surface. "I've been over every inch of this project, and I know it inside out. This isn't an oversight."
"Then maybe it's time to take a step back," Mason suggests with a hint of condescension in his voice. "We all make mistakes. It doesn't mean there's some grand conspiracy against you."
I glare at him. "Thanks for your help, Mason."
"Anytime, Tahani. Anytime."
He irks my soul, but what if he’s right? What if I’m letting my emotions cloud my judgment, making me see enemies where there are none?
Mason has never done anything like this before, so maybe it is just a glitch. As soon as I make it back to my desk, I log onto Boss Be Damned. I explain Mason’s veiled threat and the mysterious change in the code. Raven88 is the first to respond.
@Raven88:He sounds like he’s up to something to me. I wouldn’t trust him as far as I could throw him.
@TestyTesty:Let’s just be real. That guy is a snake.
@Raven88:I have to agree with TestyTesty on this one.
@ImBossy26:You always agree with TestyTesty.
@BlacqQueen333:Don’t drop this. Find out who’s messing with your project. I don’t thinkit’s a coincidence that both things happened in one day.
@TheBossPet:Tell your boss and see what he says. After what you told us about him last week, I bet he blows up the spot. Your coworker won’t know what hit him.
@99ProblemsButaBossAintOne:I just want to know one thing. Are you and the boss having an affair for real?