Page 344 of Savage Bosses
“I was not expecting this to happen tonight.”
“Me either, but I couldn’t help it. You’re just beautiful; but I do want to take you out. How does tomorrow sound?”
“Tomorrow sounds perfect.”
“Tomorrow it is.”
He helped me off the counter, as I fixed my dress before heading back to the main room. We noticed Chandra and Jasper near the table we were seated at earlier with crazed looks.
“Where were you two?” Chandra asked.
“We decided to get some air. It’s rather stuffy in here,” Remy said.
Chandra still gave a crazed look as she stared at me. “Really?”
“It really is.”
“I bet.”
She gently took my arm into hers as she stared at the boys. “You had enough time with Porsha. Now, it’s my turn. You two have fun.”
I couldn’t help to think about what just happened, as Chandra walked me away from Remy. I turned to stare at him, and he gave me a wink. I looked ahead, excited for what happened but knew it wasn’t the end. It was just the beginning for me and Remy…
My eyes flew open as I shot up from the bed. I looked around, realizing I was in my bedroom. I took a deep breath, realizing I was just dreaming. I laid back in bed, wishing it wasn’t a dream. I really did care about Remy, and I knew I’d messed things up. If I could fix it, I would, but Remy didn’t want anything to do with me. I rolled over to my side, hoping I could get some sleep. I had a big day ahead of me in the morning.
woke up the next morning wondering if I’d made a mistake with how I was treating Porsha. Yes. She did me wrong, but I couldn’t keep punishing her for it. We all made mistakes, so we should learn from them and move on, right?
In my head, that was right but, in my heart, I was still sort of pissed and felt she should be punished. Eventually, I felt I’d know when enough was enough but, right now, it wasn’t.
I walked into Oxford and greeted Helen and Jenni before seeing Porsha walking towards me. She looked gorgeous, wearing a maroon-colored pantsuit. Her hair was pulled back in a tight bun, as some of her curls framed her face while her brown eyes shined brightly at me.
“Good morning, Mr. Delgado. I have the promotional pitch available in your office.”
“Thank you, Porsha. About that—”
“You’re welcome, Mr. Delgado. I can’t talk now. I’ll see you in the meeting.”
She walked off in a hurry, leaving me a little agitated. I guess she didn’t want to talk to me. That’s fine.
I walked into my office when I suddenly stopped in my tracks. Both Chandra and Jasper were standing by my desk giving me bright smiles, which made me a bit suspicious.
“How did you get in my office?”
“Porsha let us in,” Chandra said.
“Of course. It’s early and I have a meeting in 30 minutes, so what is it?”
“I guess you forgot about Abuela’s birthday,” Jasper mentioned.
I walked to my desk to pick up some files. “Of course, I haven’t forgotten.”
“Mom and Dad are planning a party for her, especially since we don’t know how much time she has left.”