Page 347 of Savage Bosses
“Haven’t I proved enough to you by the random shit you have me doing?!”
I could feel several employees looking through the conference room window. Sure enough, as soon as I turned around, I noticed some people were acting like they were working. Nosy asses.
“Can you keep your voice down? People can actually hear you in here.”
“Like I give a damn! I get it, a lot has happened between us and I have done a lot to prove that I’m taking my job seriously, but enough is enough, Remy! You have made your point that it’ll only be professional between us, nothing else. The ship has sailed for any type of reconciliation, but to do these off the wall antics are nothing more than to get back at me, and that’s unprofessional. I could sue your ass for the unfair treatment that you have been giving me.”
“What unfair treatment? Your job description entitles you to not only do editing but whatever else your boss tells you to do.”
“That’s not what—”
“That’s what your job title specifically said when Delgado Industries took over Oxford. If you can’t handle the job, then by all means, you can go.”
“But this is…”
“I know, your dream job; but there are other publishing houses in the city for you to apply to. You don’t have to be here to live out your dream.”
I was heading out of the room before I turned around to stare at Porsha. “Actually, do both of us a favor and just quit.”
I walked out, not giving a damn at that point if anyone heard what just happened. I’d been getting looks from people since I’d took over so, if they didn’t like how I handled things, they could leave too.
I went back to my office and threw the files I had from the meeting across the room. I was tired of this situation with Porsha. Something had to give. I thought I could be around Porsha professionally, but I couldn’t. Either she leaves or I’d give someone else the day-to-day operations of the business.
hat Remy said before walking out of the conference room really stung me. I knew things were complicated before, but I thought we were progressing with our professional relationship. Now, I was not too sure.
And the notion that he wanted me to be his date to his grandmother’s party was out of the norm. Who would think that going together would be a great idea, besides my bestie, who I really wanted to wring her neck right now. She needed to stay out of Remy and my personal affairs and just let things be. If it were meant for us to be together, then it would happen, but I hardly doubt it. He really didn’t like me. Or he was just too scared to be with me again. Regardless, the situation was messy, and he was probably right. I probably should just another job because I didn’t know how much longer I could work for him.
After the day I had, I figured only solution was to go to my parents. They always made me feel better if I was having a bad day so, hopefully, they would be able to get me out of my funk.
As soon as I got to their place, I didn’t even have to ring the doorbell when my mom opened it.
“Oh baby, I’m so glad to see you,” she said as she gave me a long hug that was completely suffocating me.
“Mom, please,” I said, as she let go.
“Sorry, but I haven’t seen you since you started your job. How is it, by the way?”
“It sucks,” I said while walking inside.
“I know you said you were working with Remy, but is it that bad?”
“It’s more than bad, it’s catastrophic.”
“I think you’re over-exaggerating. But, you’re in time for dinner, so get washed up and come into the dining room.”
“Will do.”
As I was washing my hands in the kitchen, my dad walked in and gave me a kiss on the cheek.
“How’s my baby girl doing?”
“I’m fine, Dad.”