Page 357 of Savage Bosses
“Listen, I’m not in the mood to be talking to you. We had our discussion beforehand and I owned up to my word.”
“Did you? Because what I told you before to stay far away from Remy.”
“Which I did.”
“Not for long, considering you’re back and working at Oxford.”
“I paid my dues to you, Mrs. Reeves. Remy and I are not together, nor will we ever be, so you don’t have to threaten me if you’re attempting to.”
“When Remy introduced me to you, I didn’t think you were good enough for him, mainly because he had dreams and you couldn’t even figure out the hell you wanted to go. You still seem undecided on your life, so you need to go to the hole that you crawl back from.”
“You may have talked to me any type of way before, but you’re not going to do it to me anymore. I did what you asked by leaving without a trace so Remy could get his business started.”
“But I told you never to return.”
“Who are you to tell me what to do now? You may have done it before, but that was because I loved Remy and wanted what was best for him. He’s successful now, so your threats are irrelevant.”
Mrs. Reeves laughed. “Yet, you love the money I tossed around for you to leave Remy.”
I sighed, hating that she was bringing this up. I wasn’t proud of what I had done, but there was a reason to why I had to do it.
“Honestly, I could care less what you think. Remy was losing his way when he was with you. He wasn’t focused on starting his business whenever you were around, so I had to take you out of the equation. I have no regrets for doing what I did to you.”
“I’m sure, since you don’t want your son with any woman but you.”
“I don’t mind if Remy has someone, but it should be someone on his level. Someone that can challenge him, and you wasn’t that woman, Porsha. Never have been and never will.”
I took a deep breath, so I could control myself. As much as I was trying to stay calm, I really wanted to knock the shit out of her. This woman had been a pain in my side for years, but I let her get to me, which was the reason why I was no longer with Remy.
“Mrs. Reeves, for what it’s worth, it’s not like I wanted to leave Remy. You left me no choice.”
“Yes, after I paid for your father’s surgery. Which was something you couldn’t even tell Remy about.”
“Because I knew he would do it, and I didn’t want him to.”
“I really hope you don’t tell Remy about any of this.”
“Why? Don’t want him knowing who his mom really is?”
Mrs. Reeves smiled as she checked herself in the mirror. She walked out of the restroom, leaving me angry and confused. With everything that I had done with Remy, it hurt that I was the reason why the relationship faltered. I hated that I let his mom break us up, but I should have been strong enough to stand up to his mom to keep Remy.
I stared at myself in the mirror, realizing the shit I had caused throughout the years. And the fucked up part about all of this was that I let my parents keep up the lies that was told to protect me and why I’d left.
The door slowly opened, and Chandra walked in. She gave me a disappointing look, which made me become a bit scared.
“You okay? That conversation took a little longer than expected.”
“Yeah, it was fine. I know how to handle her.”
“I do need to ask you something.”
My heart started beating rapidly as I leaned against the counter. “What’s up?”
“What did Mrs. Reeves do for you to leave town?”
I squeezed my eyes shut, wishing the linoleum tile could swallow me up and take me away from here. I did not want my secret to be exposed but, now, it may look like it finally would be.