Page 364 of Savage Bosses
I could tell Remy was getting uncomfortable, as he lowered his eyes at me. He sighed before speaking, “I’ll tell you about that night if you tell me what happened between you and Chandra earlier.”
I didn’t want to discuss what happened, but it was not fair to Remy if I didn’t tell him something, especially since he was ready to pour out his feelings about that night. “Okay.”
“When I mentioned to you about picking up Abuela’s birthday cake, it was an excuse for me to go to the jeweler to get your ring. It was ready, and I was going to surprise you at the party. My family blessed me to marry you, so I was ready to do it, but when I came back to pick you up…”
“I was gone,” I whispered.
“That night really took a toll on me. I was ready to embark on a future with you, and it was taken away from me.”
“I know, and I’m sorry.”
“Even though you told me what happened, it still doesn’t make sense as to why you left. Help me understand why you decided to pack up and leave the way that you did.”
“I told you why. Just like you never told me that you would propose to me.”
“Why would I? You left me, so I didn’t need to give you an explanation. Besides, when was I going to tell you?”
“When you first saw me at Oxford.”
“That wouldn’t have been the best time or place to tell you.”
“You’re right.”
“P, there have been a lot of mistakes made during that time; maybe if we do start over, we will learn from our mistakes and get to that state with marriage. But if we do, we have to be honest with each other. No more issues or lies between us.”
I stared at Remy, as he touched my shoulder. “Are you willing to do that? Because I am.”
I sat up and took a deep breath. “Remy…”
“If we’re going to be honest, you need to tell me what happened earlier at the party because Chandra looked pissed.”
“Remy, I don’t know if I can tell you.”
“Is it the real reason why you left? Because I don’t buy the whole finding yourself routine.”
“You don’t have to keep saying my name, Porsha.”
I stared at Remy, noticing the look he was giving me. The happiness he had in his eyes were replaced with anger and betrayal. “If you let me explain…”
“Explain what? That you left town because my mom found a way for you to leave by paying for your dad’s surgery. Why didn’t you just tell me that?”
Remy pushed himself away from me and shook his head. “When you told me that story about you leaving because you felt I was spending too much time with my new business, I begin to think about those times and how encouraging you were for me to follow my dreams and how proud you were of me that I was going for what I wanted. Your excuse didn’t make sense, considering you were the person motivating me to do Delgado Industries.”
“I know, and…”
“Let me talk.”
I quickly shut up as I let Remy continue. He wasn’t in the mood for my excuses, so I’d hear him out.
“Since I didn’t believe your story, I did some digging on you to find out what really happened; so I hired a private investigator to get the truth. Turns out, you spoke to my mom prior to you leaving. I also found out she wrote a check to the hospital in which your father was in a few days after you left. I put two and two together and realized you left because my mom ran you off.”
“Remy, I had to do it.”
“You could had come to me and told me what my mom was doing. You could have talked to me about your father and I would have helped you.”
“I didn’t want my problems interfering with your business.”