Page 382 of Savage Bosses
Now that they had an understanding, Bryce lowered his hand from the man’s mouth and moved away from the bed. Richard slowly slid from underneath his silk sheet and rose from the bed, his frightened gaze moving to his wife again before Bryce led him out of the room.
As they led the disoriented man downstairs to the kitchen, Bryceson made it clear to his cousins and Matt that they were not to kill Richard. Their purpose was not to extinguish a life but to send a message—one that would resonate with not only Richard but also anyone who dared to cross paths with the Cattaneos. With Richard now seated at the kitchen table, Bryceson took charge of the interrogation. He leaned in close to his target.
“Richard, you know why we’re here. Right?” Bryce asked.
Richard nodded.
“You know the consequences of failing to meet your obligations. Right?”
Richard’s eyes widened, gaze full of fear and desperation. “Please, give me more time! I’ll get you the money, I promise,” he pleaded, his voice trembling.
Bryceson paused for a moment, considering Richard’s plea, noting the fear in the man’s eyes. He also noted that Richard was trembling and that his face was pale. And though it was cool inside the house, Richard had sweat beading on his forehead. It was a struggle for Bryceson to keep a smile off his face.
He ignored the feeling that washed over him, the feeling that he was the predator and his target was the prey. It was a feeling that rose within him whenever his father sent him on a mission. It was addictive, damn near consuming.
However, it was a feeling he tried to ignore…for her.Shoving the feeling down, he ignored his desire to teach Richard a lesson. He ignored his dark desire to watch blood spill. Though his family’s code dictated harsh punishment for those who crossed them, Bryceson chose not to ignore the desperation in Richard’s eyes. As he did on most missions, he found himself thinking,what would Tatianna do?
She was his moral compass. She was the light that kept away his dark urges. She was the reason he fought to be better than what his instincts, what his very nature wanted him to be. His cousins watched in anticipation.
They knew Bryceson’s father ordered him to spill blood to ensure he got their point across. He looked from his cousins to his target.To spill blood or not to spill blood, that was the question. What would Tatianna do?What would she want him to do?With a sigh, Bryceson spoke, his voice firm.
“You have one week, Richard. If you fail to have our money in one week, your family will have to learn how to live without you.”
His cousins glared at him as Matthew shook his head. Yeah, he knew he was going against his father’s orders, but his mind was made up. He would give Richard one more chance. Relief washed over Richard’s face as he nodded vigorously.
“Thank you,” Richard said repeatedly as tears spilled down his cheeks.
“Don’t thank him yet,” Cas told their target. “Bryce, you should probably call uncle to make sure he’s okay with this.”
His cousin was right. His dad wanted money or blood tonight. If Bryce failed, his dad would have a fucking fit. He pulled his phone from his pocket and unlocked it. Scrolling until he found his dad’s number, he pressed call and selected speaker phone so the others could hear the conversation.
“Is it done?” His dad’s deep voice came over the line.
“He doesn’t have the money yet,” Bryce informed his father. “I’m giving him a week to get it.”
“You are?” his dad sounded slightly surprised.
“The order was to either get me my money tonight or break his leg and bring me his left pinky finger.”
“I know. I’m changing things up a bit.”
“Oh.” His dad chuckled, but the sound held no mirth. “Can you handle the consequences if he fails to pay in one week?”
Shit. “What would the consequences be?”
“If he doesn’t pay in one week, I no longer want his finger. I want his life.”
Fuck. Bryce had done some fucked up shit for his family. He’d broken legs. He’d brought his dad back pinky fingers. He’d cut out tongues and eyes, even pulled out teeth. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. Hell, he liked it far more than he was willing to admit. But he’d never killed anyone.
That’s where he drew the line… because ofher. Because he’d promised himself and her that he would never become a murderer, he’d never completely give in to his dark cravings. If he did, and if she found out, she’d leave him. Bryceson didn’t want to think of what he’d become if she left him.
“If you want to give him a week, Bryce,” his dad continued. “Do so. As long as you and Richard are willing to pay the price in one week.”
Bryce stared into Richard’s eyes. The man looked ready to piss himself.
“I’ll pay in a week. Even if I must sell my cars and boats, I’ll pay,” Richard cried.