Page 384 of Savage Bosses
He was tired of the fear he saw in her eyes every time they parted ways, and she knew he was going to take care of business for his father. It was a look that broke his heart each time he saw it. A look that begged him to return in one piece but also said she feared he wouldn’t. This time, he was returning in one piece, and he hadn’t had to kill anyone.
Would he be as lucky the next time he went on a mission?
For her, he hoped so.
Chapter Two
he sizzling sound of seared scallops filled the air as Tatianna flipped them over in the hot pan. With a quick flick of her wrist, she tossed in a handful of fresh herbs, their fragrance permeating the busy kitchen of “The Southern Heat” restaurant in Biloxi, Mississippi.
“Two minutes on the risotto!” Chef Carlos called out, his gravelly voice barely hearable over the clatter of pots and pans.
“Got it!” Tatianna shouted back, her focus unwavering as she plated the scallops with delicate precision.
She smiled as she stared down at the plate. Her culinary creations were known for turning heads and tantalizing taste buds throughout the Gulf Coast. That’s why each plate had to be perfect. She had a reputation to uphold. As she worked, her mind wandered to her ultimate dream, which was running her own culinary empire.
One day, she hoped to own a chain of restaurants that showcased her unique fusion of Southern comfort food and international flavors. Sure, it was a far cry from being known simply as the daughter of a local politician or the girlfriend of Bryceson Cattaneo. But that was why she was desperate to achieve her goal.
She wanted something more. She wanted her name to carry its weight and not get respect just because her father was the mayor, and her boyfriend was a member of a ruthless crime family. Her mother called her dream frivolous. She wanted Tati to live a soft and glamorous life as Bryceson’s wife one day.
Soft and glamorous wasn’t Tati’s thing. She liked working hard to achieve her dream. She liked the excitement she felt when she was in the kitchen creating meals that would make her customers happy. She loved the hustle and bustle of a chef’s life. And sure, she came home tired each day, feet aching and back sore.
But she woke up the next morning with a smile on her face, ready to do it all again. She loved her job. And though her parents and even Bryceson’s parents said the work was too hard on her, she wouldn’t give it up. Her inspiration came from none other than celebrity chef Lorraine Pascale.
She’d never gotten to meet her. But she admired not only the chef’s incredible talent but also her ability to break barriers in a male-dominated industry. It was amazing how many men wanted women to stay home and cook.
But when the woman wanted to make cooking her profession, those same men thought the idea was preposterous. Tatianna wanted nothing more than to follow in Chef Lorraine’s footsteps, to make her own mark in the world.
“Table seven needs their appetizer,” Chef Carlos barked, snapping Tatianna out of her daydream.
“Right away, Chef!” she replied, placing the final touches on the plate before her.
Tatianna handed the dish off to the server.
“Hey, Tati!” her coworker, Julia, whispered, leaning in close. “You’ll never guess who’s here.”
“Who?” Tatianna asked, curious.
“Your man, Bryce Cattaneo,” Julia replied with a teasing grin. “He’s sitting at table twelve. He didn’t put in an order,” Julia whispered so the head chef wouldn’t hear her. “He said you already know what he wants.”
Tatianna’s cheeks heated, and her heart fluttered.He was home.He was finally home, safe and sound.She quickly shook off the feeling. Taking a deep breath, she returned to her station, determined not to let her excitement show. One of Chef Carlos’ rules was to not bring your personal life into the kitchen.
“Alright, team,” Chef Carlos announced as the lunch rush began to slow down. “Let’s finish strong!”
With renewed vigor, Tatianna dove back into her cooking. The heat in the kitchen was stifling, but she was accustomed to it.
“Table twelve needs their appetizer,” a server called out.
“Coming right up!” she responded as she finished plating the dish.
How dare he rush the waitress when he hadn’t even placed an order? Tatianna held in her smile. Was he as eager to see her as she was to see him? She hadn’t seen him in one week. A whole freaking week. He’d been away, handling somebusinessfor his dad. That’s what they called it when he did the illegal things his father asked of him.
They never discussed the missions. He didn’t like talking about them, and she never pressured him to do so. She was just thankful that he’d returned safely this time. She feared one day getting a call…