Page 388 of Savage Bosses
“Damn. Forgive me for worrying about a friend,” Marco scoffed. “Maybe if I was a criminal, you’d pay me some attention,” he whispered before storming off, leaving her seething.
Fucking bastard!
“Here you go,” she said when the waitress approached her. Tatianna forced a smile as she handed off the plate. “Table three.”
“Thanks, Tatianna,” the waitress, Denise, replied. “Ignore Marco. He can be a dick sometimes. Liking someone is one thing, but he acts obsessed. Try to stay away from him. I don’t like the way he looks at you. I would say report him, but his uncle owns the place.”
“I’m okay. Thanks for looking out for me, Denise,” Tatianna murmured before returning to her work.
She didn’t give a damn who owned this place. If Marco kept this up, she would report him to the authorities if she needed to. Finally, the last order of the night was placed and taken to its table. The kitchen was closed for the night. The staff began cleaning up. Though they were short-staffed today, they managed to get it done in a decent time.
Tatianna exhaled a sigh of relief as she stripped off her apron and washed her hands. She was eager to leave the restaurant and all its stifling tension behind. She loved her job, but sometimes, the people she worked with made her days far harder than they had to be.
When she reached her car, she found Marco standing near her trunk.This motherfucker!What now? Wasn’t the shit he said in the kitchen enough for one damn day? Ignoring him, she unlocked her door.
“I’m sorry,” he told her as she slid into the driver’s seat. “I just don’t understand what you see in him. He’s not good for you, Tati. What do I have to do to make you see that?”
Ignoring him, she started her engine and backed out of the space, forcing him to move away from her car to avoid being hit. Without looking back at him, she drove off. She was so angry that she didn’t realize she hadn’t put on her seat belt until the seat belt light started flashing and the beeping sounded.
At the red light, she pulled her seat belt on and clicked it into place. Marco had ruined a perfectly good day. It would take some good dick to put her in a better mood. It was a good thing her man was back.
No one, not Marco or anyone else, would ever pull her attention away from Bryceson. He was her haven, her rock, the love of her life. No one could replace him. Smiling, Tatianna drove home, eager to get her hands on Bryceson Cattaneo.
The man who owned her heart, her body, and her soul.
Chapter Three
hen she pulled into her driveway, his car was already there.Good, she didn’t have to call him and tell him she was home.She found herself almost sprinting to the front door, her eagerness to be near him overwhelming. As she fumbled with her keys, the door swung open, revealing Bryceson in all his tall, brooding glory.
“Hey, beautiful,” he murmured, his voice low and seductive as he pulled her into his arms. “I’ve been waiting for you.”
“I’m here now,” Tatianna replied, melting into his touch, her entire body aching for his warmth. “I couldn’t stop thinking about what you said earlier,” she told him as he pulled her into the house.
“Is that so?” he teased, a wicked grin playing on his lips. “I meant every word.” He pushed the door shut and locked it.
“We shall see. First, I need to shower.”
“I don’t have time for that. I need you now,” Bryce told her before trying to kiss her.
“You’ll have me soon,” she said, pushing his face away. “I pulled a double in the kitchen today. I’m sweaty.”
“I like you sweaty.”
She chuckled. “You’ve showered. Let me shower.”
“I’ll help.”
“Nope. Finish watching the game. I’ll take a quick shower.”
“You never take quick showers,” he complained.
“I will this time, I promise,” she said as she wiggled out of his embrace. She raced down the hall, tuning out his continued protests. Tatianna took the quickest shower she’d ever taken in her life. When she returned, he was standing in the same spot she’d left him in. “Why are you still standing there?”
“Get your sexy ass over here, Tatianna Dupree,” he ordered.