Page 416 of Savage Bosses
As they walked through the bakery, Tatianna met the various staff members – bakers, baristas, and servers alike. They seemed like a close-knit group.
"Alright, let's get you started with some training," Sybil suggested, directing Tatianna to a workstation in the kitchen. "You're going to be working on pastries today."
"Sounds good," Tatianna replied, trying to focus on the task at hand and not let her thoughts drift to Bryce and Melinda.
As she worked alongside Sybil, learning the ins and outs of the bakery's operations, she began to feel more at ease. The repetitive motions of kneading dough and piping frosting were soothing, helping to calm her nerves. This was her element. This was where she thrived. This was her happy place. But she knew she couldn't get too comfortable. She wasn't there to find happiness. Not yet.
"Hey, Tatianna," Sybil said during a lull in their work. "Just so you know, Bryceson – our manager – isn't here today. He had some family business to take care of. I'll introduce him to you when he's back."
"Thanks for letting me know," Tatianna replied, her heart skipping a beat at the mention of his name. It was both a relief and a disappointment that he wouldn't be there today. But she knew their reunion was inevitable.
"I think you're gonna fit in great here," Sybil told her about an hour later. "You've got mad skills in the kitchen."
"Thank you," Tatianna said with a small smile, appreciating the compliment.
After a few days of settling in at the bakery, Tatianna found herself poring over the recipes for some of the best-selling desserts. Lora and Bryce's grandmother, Nonna Sofia, watched approvingly as she practiced making each treat with precision and care. Their smiles and encouraging words warmed her heart despite the complicated emotions that came with being back in Mississippi.
"Your technique is excellent," Nonna Sofia praised, her heavily accented voice filled with warmth. "You have a natural talent for this, my dear. I think we need to make you the head pastry chef. The customers love your desserts. And these little kitty paws you made are a hit with the children."
"Thank you, Nonna Sofia," Tatianna replied, blushing slightly.
She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at the compliment. Over the course of three days, she hadn't seen Bryce or Melinda, which made her think that her mother and Mrs. Cattaneo had been wrong about this being a good way to get under Melinda's skin. Tatianna was ready to move to the next part of the plan.
On the fourth day of work, Tatianna was in the kitchen, preparing a special dessert for the new daily special she'd added to the menu. As she piped delicate swirls of frosting onto the cupcakes, she felt a sense of serenity in her craft. That's until she heard a familiar voice that made her blood run cold.
"Ladies, order whatever you want, it's on me. I've been so busy with work I haven't been here in a few days. My body is craving one of their mocha lattes," Melinda's voice echoed through the bakery, followed by the laughter of her friends.
Tatianna's heart raced, and anger flared within her as she carefully tiptoed over to the kitchen door and peeked out. There, in all her self-absorbed glory, was Melinda Farrina. And she was surrounded by her posse of equally shallow friends. The sight of the woman who had ruined her life enraged her. She had to take a few deep breaths and release them slowly to calm her nerves.
"You're okay, Tati," she whispered to herself, something she'd begun to do soon after fleeing Mississippi five years ago.
Being on her own and not having anyone to protect or encourage her had led her to talking to herself, encouraging herself, letting herself know that she'd be okay no matter what this crazy life threw at her.
"Hey, Tati." Sybil sidled up beside her. "You see those ladies over there?" She gestured toward Melinda's table. "That's the new manager's girlfriend and her fancy friends. They can be a bit obnoxious and entitled. Just be nice to them, okay? Don't take whatever they say to you personally. I don't."
"Be nice? To her?" Tatianna muttered under her breath, clenching her fists at her sides. She'd rather pour hot lava over herself than be nice to Melinda Farrina. However, she nodded stiffly, forcing a strained smile onto her face.
As they watched, the waitress approached Melinda's table, order pad in hand. The waitress jotted their order down. When the waitress headed back towards the kitchen, Tatianna retreated, eager to hear what the high-maintenance bitches had requested.
"The manager's girlfriend wants the dessert of the day," the waitress informed her, rolling her eyes. "But she's insisting on a fresh dessert, not one from the display. She said she only likes fresh out of the oven desserts."
"Of course, she does," Tatianna muttered. But she plastered on a professional smile. "I just finished a fresh batch. I just need to add the icing. I'll take it to her myself."
"Thanks, Tati," the waitress beamed before leaving the kitchen.
Tatianna returned to her baking station, channeling all her frustration into crafting the most exquisite, mouthwatering dessert imaginable. She piped delicate rosettes of frosting onto the dessert.
With the dessert completed to perfection, Tatianna took a moment to admire her handiwork before picking up the plate. She strode out of the kitchen and headed toward Melinda's table, ready to face her nemesis head-on.
She approached Melinda's table, where the woman was still laughing with her friends, completely oblivious to Tatianna's presence.
"Enjoy your dessert, Melinda Farrina," Tati announced, setting the plate down beside Melinda's latte with a gentle clank. The words hung in the air like a challenge, heavy with unspoken meaning.
Melinda's laughter froze mid-chuckle as her gaze rose to meet Tatianna's, surprise and fear flickering across the woman's face. For a moment, time seemed to slow down, the silence between them crackling with tension. Tati held Melinda's stare, refusing to look away. Melinda swallowed.
"Thanks," Melinda finally managed through gritted teeth, her eyes narrowing as she took in Tatianna's defiant stance. "I-I didn't know you worked here."
"Surprise," Tatianna replied.