Page 466 of Savage Bosses
"Fine," her mom sighed. "Yes, Lora helped. Look, sweetheart, we did what we had to do," her mom said firmly. “The bodyguard provided Lora with more details. Turns out, Mrs. Farrina was the one who suggested to Melinda that she get Marco to attack you. She wanted Marco to kill you. It was Melinda who wanted you to be kidnapped, assaulted, and then killed.”
Those brutal bitches!
“And the older Farrina hired men to kill you once he realized that Julia had told you about Melinda. He knew why you were back. Knowing you wanted revenge, he wanted to take you out before you could get Bryce involved. He needed Bryce on his side so he could eventually get back in good with Don Cattaneo. Especially since, Patrick isn’t on good terms with his brother, the don, right now.”
Tati massaged her head. These people were heartless.
“And then there’s Matthew,” her mother said.
“Matthew was involved too?”
“Yes, child. Guess who Matthew was in love with?”
Tati’s eyes widened. “Me?”
“Girl, no. But it left me and Lora speechless when we learned the two of them had been sleeping together.”
“Is it Bryce?”
Bryce bumped her.
“Sorry,” Tati whispered to him.
“No, child,” her mom said.
Tati’s eyes widened, her gaze jerking to Bryce. “Who?” she whispered to Bryce.
Bryce shrugged, frowning.
“I can’t hold it in any longer,” her mom said. “Matt was in love with Melinda, child.”
Bryce and Tati’s mouths both dropped open.
“Sweetie, he was willing to do whatever she wanted to keep her happy. Even try to get Bryce to accept her. But he needed you out of the way. He was the one who sent the men to the restaurant after you. They were his dad’s men, but he issued the order. He didn’t know Bryce was also coming to get you.”
What type of family were the Farrinas?
“I’d had no idea,” Bryce said.
“And,” her mother continued. “Another reason the older Farrina wanted Bryce to marry Melinda was because she was pregnant with her brother’s child. So, she was pregnant with her nephew. Sweetie, I can’t make this shit up. This is better than my soap operas. The bodyguard found proof that she went to an abortion clinic a few weeks ago to get rid of the child since she would start showing soon and Bryce hadn’t agreed to marry her.”
Tati laid back on her pillow, mouth still open in shock.
“See how much of a mess that family was, love?” her mother asked. “The world is much cleaner without them.”
“Yeah. But, uh, ma, how did you… take them out?”
“Oh, I didn’t get my hands dirty at all or break any nails. I just had the guard drug Matthew and made it look like Matthew drove the car through the guest house. The family went out to check on him. The car caught fire before they could get him out of the car. There was an explosion, and the family died trying to save their son, who was on drugs. It’s already all over the news. It’s an unfortunate event. If I had tears in me, I’d shed one.”
Tati sighed. “The bodyguard knows you did it, ma.”
“He’s dead, love. Lora paid him in cash. But the cash was dipped in poison that seeps into the skin and kills the victim in twenty-four hours. After twenty-four hours all traces of the drug leave any inanimate object it’s on. He was found dead on the estate. Some are blaming him for the incident, saying the guard killed the family, robbed them, and then felt guilty and killed himself. Haven’t you watched the news at all?”
“Um, I’m kind of kidnapped, remember?”
“Oh, yeah. Well, tell Bryce he can unkidnap you now. I want you to go to brunch with me and Lora on Saturday.”
Tati shook her head. So, this was her life. She should be mortified. Instead, she was so damn thankful for her mom and Mrs. Cattaneo. This wasn’t the way she should be feeling. She knew that.